Handle Materials

Bob Taylor

Platinum Member
Dec 10, 1998
What is your perfered materials and colors.
1. G-10 and not just black we can get Green, Blue, Tan and Red
2. Aluminum with the same weight or less than G-10 various colors.
3. Micarta all diffrent Colors.

We are looking at making more varied handles and would appricate the feed back. This will be included in all our folders. I for one am tired of black on everything.

Bob Taylor

Some days it's not worth chewing through the restraints and escaping.
I'm a big fan of clear (silver) or a dark grey aluminum. I also like the lighter color micartas.


Deo Vindice

I'm a huge Micarta fan, but I think it might be out of place on your folders as the emphasis seems to be on strength (not to say Micarta is weak, but it's not G-10). Still, there is a dearth of production knives with thick, contoured Micarta handles (probably because of the labor involved), and this approach might lend itself well to your finger-grooved models.

I also think that coated aluminm handles with rubberized inserts would go a long way towards sprucing up the plain, flat profiles on a lot of REKaT knives.

I'm not a fan of G-10 in other colors, at least if it's going to be roughened. It's essentially a function-first material, and I have a hard time seeing a knife as starkly functional when it's bright red or blue.

Just my two pennies.

What Color Green? I am a sucker for OD Green stuff...It is different, but it still don't stand out too much...

I don't like aluminum. Can't really explain why, but it bothers me..I guess it doesn't have the warmth of other materials..

Micarta would be cool if it dosn't weaken your knives overall.

How about doing a litle texturing/checkering? Even doing it along the backstrap would be cool...YeK
I am a big fan of G10, only after years of use however.
I am with Yekim, OD green would be awesome and it would fit in with my BDU's.
I am also a BIG fan of Titanium ala Chris Reeve's Sebenza(esp decorated).
Willing to try other types of materials. Just feel free to send them out my way and I will put them to the test.

Romans 10:9-10

*Norse Knife Nut*

"Military" Fans Unite!!

"The only limitation is lack of imagination."

I would really love to see some of the REKAT models in maroon Micarta (or
any other color Micarta for that matter). My second choice would be subtly
colored G-10, preferably in a polished finish (a la the Kershaw Ken Onion

Micarta is nice. Some colors are quite striking. However, it tends to be rather smooth, even slippery. That would not be desirable on a knive like the Escalator. Aluminum with rubber inserts shoulds nice, maybe even anodize the aluminum in colors. Rubber too can be different colors.

Ivory micarta is nice for a classy look. Anodized titanium is very cool. Green micarta is good for field pieces. I've never seen it but green G-10 might be good also.


Mike Melone
"One loves to possess arms, though they hope never to have occasion for them." --Thomas Jefferson to George Washington, 1796

Hate to sound like a sheep but I like Micarta too. Black linen or white paper micarta is very nice.

Baaaa, Baaaa

Willie Boy
I prefer G10 or micarta. The micarta feels a little slippier to me but I don't think that would be a problem given the handle designs of REKAT knives.

Colors greens, dark blue, or even tan/brown would be cool. I can't imagine a REKAT knife in a lighter color... it would be like a split personality...

Classic Colors like Ivory, Burgundy, Brown Micarta.

Red, Ornage, Yellow


What about that ******translucent pale green/white G-10********? That would be very cool.

Titanium, performance wise it probably doesn't offer any needed strength or anything, but to tap it and say... "Titanium"

Check out the future possible Spyderco Worker 2000 www.bladeforums.com/ubb/Forum20/HTML/000224.html

One may want to keep an Eye out for my review of the Bob Kasper designed, Kevin Gentile modified AFCK and interview of Bob Kasper. Sorry about the wait, my review and interview should be online shortly, luckily Spark has graciously offered to do the pictures, look for it right here at BladeForums.com.

Marion David Poff ska Eye, one can msg me at mdpoff@hotmail.com

"A journey of a thousand miles begins but with a single step" Lao-Tzu
I love cocobolo and red heartwood. Guess I am an all natural sort of guy. Aboloni (incorrect spelling) would be cool too.

Hummm. If I had to go with the choices in the list I would go with micarta.


[This message has been edited by Spide (edited 24 April 1999).]

I love natural materials too but they're not among your choices, so....

First choice would be metal with inserts ala what the James Brothers have been doing recently. I prefer the silver color with cocobolo inserts myself.

Second choice would be the burgundy G10 that Trace Rinaldi used on my Chimera Talonite knife. He got the material from Texas Knifemakers Supply and it is NOT deep wine colored or red... it almost looks wood-like when bead blasted with a rich deep reddish brown hue. Very nice.

One comment too.... I like ivory linen micarta too but every piece I've had has yellowed over the years. The worse is the oldest I have circa 1991.

Still wish the BFC Carnivore was in A2, CPM 440V or BG42 instead of ATS34 but you've addressed this elsewhere. The good thing is that you guys are said to do something special to your ATS34 which puts it at the top of its respective heap. I've ordered one and look forward to receiving it via the forums store. The best description I've read of it is a 1999 vintage SERE folder...big and tough!


I did NOT escape from the institution! They gave me a day pass!

[This message has been edited by bald1 (edited 23 April 1999).]
Out of the 3, I like aluminum best, but if not aluminum, please stick with G10. Not too crazy about micarta. And hey, what's wrong with black? Just my $0.02 worth.


Knife lover, Philosopher, Humanitarian, and All-around nice guy
(all right, so I'm just a knife lover)