Happy 1000 post, Dergyll - Giveaway

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Gold Member
Feb 24, 2021
Has it been that long?

Let's do a giveaway to celebrate the occasion, post an "I'm in" followed by a "complete the sentence" game:

I love it when...
Such as; I love it when I get a perfect squeeze of toothpaste, only for it to fall onto the sink.

Oh right, I will giveaway this here knife only lightly used Orange Benchmade Griptilian in S30V. Also, I'll do a second place winner who will get this here LNIB CJRB Centros in Green G10 D2. Giveaway ends next Thursday 8PM EASTERN using random name wheel.

Thank you guys for existing, hope everyone shares some positivity around themselves.

Oh and good job surviving COVID.
I'm in, thanks! I love it when the Pats score 50+ points, but it was only the Jets.
Generous as always Dergyll 👍

I'm in! I love it when I get the toaster timer just right.. only to have it go rogue on me two slices later.
Im in, thanks!
I love it when you think your slice of pizza only has 1 pepperoni, but when you pick it up, BAM! A surprise second pepperoni under the first one!
I’m in, thanks a lot! I love it when I make plans for my one day off, only to accidentally oversleep and waste the day away🙄
Congrats on the thousand. I'm in, thanks!

I love it when I wake up too early and get to fall back asleep, and then I wake up too late..
I'm in!
I love it when I pass on a job at a different company because it's about the same compensation as what I have, but then I learn after that the new place won't force me to do something I don't want to do, but the current employer will.
I’m in!

I love it when I my brother and I get the rare opportunity to play video games like we used to as kids and relive a little of that carefree lifestyle.

Very generous giveaway!
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