The 2024 Traditional Knife is ready to order! See this thread for details:
Price is $300 ea (shipped within CONUS). If you live outside the US, I will contact you after your order for extra shipping charges.
Order here: - Order as many as you like, we have plenty.
Originally posted by Steely_Gunz
Holy Cow, Heber!!!
the more I learn about you, the more we are alike! We are both students. we have BOTH injured a more tendon in knife related accidents. Now i learn that you and I share the same B-dayi'm 22 today too
Hope its a happy one, man!!!!
Big 22 today ainnit? Congrats and may your day be happy and may you get lucky.
Will let you know how the peach cobblers turn out. he he he.
Originally posted by Aardvark
Hmmm. Is this code for something else?
Originally posted by Aardvark
Hmmm. Is this code for something else?
Originally posted by Josh Feltman
With all those pics of gals that Heber posts, you know it has to be
Originally posted by Steely_Gunz
Hey Heber,
Hope your b-day went well. Mine was OK. skipped a classes to hang out and take a day for myself. Then i was lucky enough to have the postman drop off my 18" WWII that i had ordered from Uncle Bill a few days back. Wasn't too bad of a day
To answer your question about being single, no I am not. I'm engaged to my high school sweetheart. we're going to tie the knot after she gets done with her 3 years of Graduate school. Really lucked out finding her. She's the kind of girl that all of us on here should be looking for. In trying to decide between a 15" and 18" khuk, she'd be the one to tell me with a smile, "Go with the 18". you know that it'll make you happier." I Just hope her "bigger is better" line of thinking doesn't come back and bite me on the rear later in life! Good luck lady hunting!!!!