Happy Holidays everyone

Apr 23, 2007
Everyone have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving.:thumbup:

Little short story as to why our family never cooks turkey for Thanksgiving. As an immigrant, we never celebrated Thanksgiving until moving to the States after the Berlin Wall fell. One year we were gifted this massive bird. It must've been 22 pounds or something crazy like that. My parents didn't know what to do with a bird that big so they got out this giant bucket. Filled her up with water and floated some lemon slices and added various spices and seasonings. I'm sure they believed this magical, albeit water based, concoction would yield a tasty holiday treat. Hours later out of the oven comes this massive turkey. It certainly looked appetizing. To bring the story to a close, the bird tasted like it was marinated in water, completely utterly devoid of flavor. Was the marinade supposed to flavor the turkey or was the turkey supposed to flavor the marinade? A year later, after New Years, we still had left overs until we finally decided to throw them away. I remember eating turkey lo mein, turkey fried rice, turkey sticky rice, turkey egg rolls, probably some turkey sandwiches too. That was the last time we had turkey. So now, we enjoy a standing rib roast.

Have a good one guys.
Happy Thanksgiving Hark, you should try a turducken, they sell them pre assembled/seasoned. Kind of a cool experience and interesting tasting.
Happy Thanksgiving Hark, Darrel, Dirk, and the rest! Got the whole clan in town this year, on both sides of the family. It's gonna be one to remember!