Happy Thanksgiving

Mar 6, 2005
:cool:...To all of my good friends in the Buck Forum...
...Even with all of life's inevitable hills and valleys showing behind and before us, there are always things to be thankful for. My family and you guys are part of what I am thankful for each year. Hope all of your Thanksgivings are as happy as can be expected and that events to come make for even more things to be thankful for ahead...
I hope all of you have as good a day as it looks like we are going to have.

Mom is already cooking, there are pies all over the place, bird is in the oven, one son in law is starting to process a deer the daughter shot yesterday, the other son in law and his son are out hunting, and the granddaughters, well,,,I threaten to go in and grab all their covers and hide them.

It is 28 out here this morning :D But no wind and bright and sunny. The sky at 5am this morning was cloudless and the stars were shining bright.

Happy Thanksgiving!

now where is that bottle of tums,,I think I will get a head start:rolleyes::D
Happy thanksgiving to you all as well!

28 degrees in Houston? Its a balmy 42 up here in WI :D

Getting ready for the big dinner then heading back up for the rest of (No) Deer hunt '09!

Happy thanksgiving!

Happy thanksgiving to you all as well!

28 degrees in Houston? Its a balmy 42 up here in WI :D

Getting ready for the big dinner then heading back up for the rest of (No) Deer hunt '09!

Happy thanksgiving!


No,,,I am back in Junction at mothers house. Junction is in the West edge of the Texas Hill Country about 110 miles or so NNW of San Antonio on I-10.
Thank you Darryl, Larry, Jim, BG42,

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all! I hope your day is filled with comfort & Joy. Enjoy the time you get to spend with your loved ones...even the ones who will get on your nerves before the day is done;)
Hope every one has a nice Thanksgiving. Be sure to take a minute and share with family and friends what we all have to be thankfull for this year. At our Thanksgiving table we go around the table and each of us tell what we are thankfull for.
I'll be heading off to my niece's home for dinner shortly. I'm very excited about that because she's the only one I know who makes Texas style cornbread dressing like my Mom and Grandmother used to make. I haven't had any of it since my Mom passed away in 2004 and I'm sure it's going to bring back a lot of good memories.

I hope that all my Buck Buddies have as great a Thanksgiving as I expect to be having.
Dave, Mom made up a big batch or cornbread yesterday and what was left from last night, went into her stuffing. We just finished the first round of feeding :) and the stuffing was excellent, as was all the rest.

for the Buck knife part, one son in law was cutting up one of their deer using a couple of 110's and a 121

I saw the other son in law carving on the bird with another 121. My Daughter and granddaughters and Grandson were trying to help Great Grandma as much as they could.

I am glad this only happens at Thanksgiving and Christmas. :D
Thanks guys for sending cheer our way . It was 28* here as well this morning . While I was out cutting wood this morning I thought of you guys and whispered a prayer of thanks for you . Even with our short comings I still like ya'll and all the topics here we discuss whether I contribute or not . Thanks to one and all for being knowledgable, gentlemen . May blessings and peace come your way today . Thank you all for putting up with me . Have a good time w/ friends and family . DM
Happy Thanksgiving to you all and your families. May God richly bless you all.

Low 50's here in SW Pa, shot my gun in this morning in bright sunshine getting ready for opening day of rifle on Monday. Hope this 50's junk moves out and we can get some snow on the ground. I'll be thankful anyway.

God bless and dont eat tooooooo much:)
A happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Buckaholics. Hope you have a good one.
I'll be heading off to my niece's home for dinner shortly. I'm very excited about that because she's the only one I know who makes Texas style cornbread dressing like my Mom and Grandmother used to make. I haven't had any of it since my Mom passed away in 2004 and I'm sure it's going to bring back a lot of good memories.

I hope that all my Buck Buddies have as great a Thanksgiving as I expect to be having.
what a nice way to have a thanksgiveing !

ugh could you ask for the recipe?:D;)
Happy Thanksgiving to all .Been driving home most of the day.Made it to
the In-laws for bird and Texas dressing.Back home to check out a workman 110 that someone sent me.:eek::D
Thanks Craig.