Harborfreights new MICRO mill for $279

Sep 17, 1999
I'm thinking about getting one of these. Any input?
I think these are a new item as I've never seen one or heard anything about them until a couple months ago. $200 less than the mini-mill with the same table and spindle travel seems like a pretty good deal to me. It has a smaller motor and no angle milling but other than that it seems a very capable little machine. The up and down movement of the head feels tighter and more controlled than the mini-mill but the table might flex a little more. These are just my thoughts after comparing the two side by side at the local store but I've never actually used either one so I can't say anything for sure.
from what ive read, the general concensus is spend the extra $100 and get the mini-mill instead of the micro-mill drill... (Homier sells the same mini-mill as harbor freight and grizzly for $399)

i dont have either though, this is all secondhand knowledge and not admissable in court...
I have the Grizzly mini-mill. Have used it for a year now. Great little machine. I saw the mill you ask about at our Harbor Freight store. Get the Griz. Always go with the largest mill you can afford and provide space for. Heavier the better when it comes to mills.

keep in mind though, the Grizzly, the HF mini-mill and the Homier mini-mill are all put out of the same factory in china. the Homier is the least expensive.

go here


this place is great for the mini-lathes and mini-mills.
BRUCE E. and myself pickup one last year. So far I like mine and Bruce is going to do a up grade on his, better chuck & etc.
I agree with the others, on getting the slightly bigger one. The one you are showing just has a drill chuck to hold the end mills. The better one will use collets, and have a drill chuck extra, for drilling.
Haven't had a good chance too use mine yet.You can get new collets for it and chucks though,and I will be doing this real soon.Then it should work fine for things like guards and smaller pieces.I would have loved to have gotten a bigger mill myself but finaces were the issue at the moment and this one was better than none.
I also made DRO's for all three axis for my Grizzly. If you get one or one like it I will be glad to send pics of them for you - or anyone else that has one and may be interested.

It says it has an mt2 spindle taper. The table travel is the same on both the mini and the micro.
I think I've decided to get the micro for now as thats all the money I have. later this year or early next I'll hopefully have a new shop and will get a real mill. thanks for the replies and the links
Yes, that's what I used. I made them from two 6 inch and one 12 inch digital calipers. I use the auto on/off type so I don't have to consantly be switching them on or off. While these provide for rather simple arrangments, it is very important to anchor them solidly to prevent backlash. I have zero backlash. They really are the berries for me. Before getting into knives I was planning to use their digital outputs to control table location using stepper motors and a computer interface.

Belstain: I am sure you will like the micro alot. Later you can skip over the mini and go straight to a Bridgeport. WoW - oh yes baby! Just thinking of one arrouses me.

Originally posted by Mike Hull
I agree with the others, on getting the slightly bigger one. The one you are showing just has a drill chuck to hold the end mills. The better one will use collets, and have a drill chuck extra, for drilling.

This mill will use R-8 collets as it is set up. All you need to do is remove the chuck ( It has a JT-33 taper to lock it in), add a drawbar, and the R-8 collet, and you are ready to go.