Has anyone seen SW's new revolver?

The Tourist

Dec 23, 2001
I like to keep up on things, but todays' newspaper caught me off guard.

Please see the 02-14-03 edition of the Wisconsin State Journal, first page of the 'Business Section.'

It appears to be a large stainless version of a 5-shot 629. It has a very long barrel, and a muzzle break; I believe SW calls their muzzle break a 'Power Port.'

The thing has their new proprietary cartridge, the .50 Magnum. It is claimed this firearm is for bear hunting.

(I like one of the paragraphs. Now, this gun probably doesn't even exist yet. The liberals are already screaming it's a threat to law enforcement.)
Saw it, Malaysian paper had an article on it yesterday and the LA Times had one today. Did you see the cartridge? it dwarfs a .454. The LA Times said he police wern't too worried about the gun. It weighs 4.5 lbs and costs about $950, not gangbanger style.

The article in my paper says it has THREE TIMES the muzzle energy of a .44 Rem Mag. I think what's really the deal here is that SW wants to have it's own proprietary cartridge; much like Ruger has it's own .480 Ruger.

As a reloader, this stuff boggles me. Now granted, 90% of shooters don't handload. It's probably safe to say that most guys buy what's on sale. Right now my biggest handgun is a six-inch SW Magna Classic in 44 Rem Mag. With hardened linotype loads, I can also kill bears. And let me tell you, extended practice requires a PAST shooting glove.

Sure, I'd like a .454 Casull someday; maybe even a 475 Linebaugh. I will NEVER NEED THEM, they will just be toys and money is needed for other things at present.

I looked at the same problem a few months back and bought a stainless Marlin Guide Gun in .45-70. With linotype loads, it will kill an elephant, as some loads are in .458 country. How big does your ego have to get?
fayettville observer says muzzle energy is 2,600 ft-lbs. the pic looks cool. it looks like its ported.

question, what is the muzzle energy of .50 cal action express like the desert eagle?

5 shot 8 1/2 inch barrel 4 1/2 lbs $989 price tag. Imagine trying to shoot this thing with the "homie" sideways grip going on
In case you're wondering, the L.A. Times article on the S&W Model 500 was not at all flattering. The article included the line that "Even handgun enthusiasts admit that this is more gun than anyone could possibly ever need". What a bunch of ignorant a-holes.
This is the first time that I can remember that the introduction of a new handgun caused such a stir. Worldwide press? I mean we have had revolvers in 45-70, .454, .480, .475 all significantly more powerful than the .44 mag. Why all the attention, it is just a gun?
That new S&W .50 mag looks to be a good gun, but I'm sticking with my .50AE Desert Eagle!...I can shoot it without breaking my wrist.
Our local paper had a quote of "He predicted the new Magnum would create 'a new order of threat to law enforcement' "

I think that if you want a 70MM handgun then hey go for it, who cares about need? I want a new truck next month, don't need one but no one is going to tell me I can't go buy one or Chevrolet is not allowed to make them. Go S&W make as many new guns as you can I am all for it and want at least one of each caliber made by every gun manufacturer in the world, well maybe not Davis, Raven, NE Arms and a few select others.

Law Enforcement sees it as a new threat? What I see as a threat is the stupid liberals and politicians that take guns away from everyday citizens that might would help me if I ever needed it and let the toads run the streets loose after being convicted of felonies more times than Michael Jackson as slept with monkeys all because the jails are to crowded or it wasn’t really their fault its societies. BS! Build them S&W! take less bullets on those toads the bigger they are.

Please, it's a muzzle brake, not a muzzle "break."

It reminds me of the time an authoritative British gun magazine wrote an article on barrel rifling. The author obviously relied on SpellCheck and wrote of forcing not a mandrel (the relevant tool) down the barrel, but a mandrill, which, as we all know, is a large, savage, carnivorous baboon.

I'd have loved to have watched that process over a pint or two....

maximus otter
The new S&W sounds like a nice one to have, for its coll factor at least, but I doubt it would replace my Model 57 in my affections. I love the .41 Magnum.

mandrel -- mandrill -- man drill.... Hmm, the thought of forcing the later down the barrel provides fodder for more one liners than even I dare bring up here. And the, "is a large, savage, carnivorous baboon" stuff, ah never mind, maybe it is just the long travel schedule from yesterday.
Tuna out
NPR aired a segment yesterday about one of the anti-gun groups railing against the new revolver. I can't remember what group was involved, but the fellow was going on about the weapons sooner or later "getting into the hands of criminals" and "escalating the level of violence."

At least, the segment was fairly even-handed, with the announcer pointing out the high cost and the 5-round capacity, as well as the extremely large size, which would make concealment unlikely.
Has anyone seen the ballistic specs?

One load offered by Cor-Bon is a 440 grain slug @ 1625 FPS.
That's what I used to load my 12 bore slugs up to. :eek:
Only folks with large, sturdy wrists need apply. I remember how punishing I found a standard M29 with full-power loads. A much more civilized beast with decent grips and loaded down to about 1000 fps with cast bullets.

I also have fond memories of watching GIs shoot the cheap SAA copies we could buy in Germany back in the 60's. These were available at the "rod and gun" club on base for about 35.00. Worth it, too.

The only ammo available was the full-house jacketed hollow point factory stuff. The schmucks would show up at the range with one of these beasts and we'd just sit back to watch as junior stoked her up and let fly. No ear protection, of course, that would be sissy. They usually got two shots off before handing the thing off to one of thier buds, not knowing if the ear hurt worse than the bleeding hand.
If it kicks harder than my Ruger .454 they can keep it. I really don't need the .454, but I like it since I can shoot .45LC's in it, and when I want load up the .454's.

I'm sure the new S&W is a monster.
My Casull is about as much as I can comfortably handle. When I'm practicing, I'm awed by it's inherent accuracy.

I'd like to see some pics of this new behemoth, and some pics of the recoil, too! Just one recommendation - good gloves! No one will think you're a sissy, especially after the first shot! :eek: :D
Well, I handled one yesterday at SHOT and I gotta say it is a beast! And that's without even shooting it. I've shot .454 Casul and would be intersted in shooting this for reference, but I'd think S&W's new scandium and titanium N-frame .44 mag would be more likely to break your wrist. The thing fairly floated when I picked it up. At least the .50 S&W weighed enough to soak up a little of the momentum.