Has Yvsa done it again or is it just me and my new DSL?

Mar 5, 1999
'Naw Uncle Bill, its not your PC or the
DSL. This site is just s-l-o-w at times, like today! I have a cable modem (128up/1500down kbps) and other sites on the www. load just fine, even allowing for the usual net congestion during business hours. Oh well...
Slow here too - It must be the traffic on the server equipment (either those hosting the forums, or those through which we connect). When the kiddies are out of school, I have trouble logging on, but not at other times. The other forums have been boggy today,as well, so I just put it down to traffic jams.
Mines a bit slower than usual, but other websites like "Mapquest" are loading just fine.

And I think that whatever happens, If it is my WebTV browser, only happens when I make a new
It's sure not anything I am personally doing because if it was I would quit posting until something was fixed.
And being totally computer illiterate I wouldn't know how to mess things up and epecially with a WebTV unit.
The WebTV units have no computer power unto themselves.

The other day when I posted the joke I noticed that I had the same page with the "unregistered poster" on it that I had the last time the forum screwed up, but it was already too late to stop it from going through.
And the last time it happened the post came up missing..........
Thinking the same thing might possibley happen again I immediately went to the post and got its URL and then notified Spark on the Service Forum telling him what had happened.
And the post did come up missing, just like the last time, but since I had its URL I could get to it.
And that's what I did. When I got there I copied and pasted the post so I could repost it.
And when I posted the same thing again everything was alright, but I made _Damned Sure_ that when I got to the page to write the post that that Damned "unregistered poster" wasn't at the bottom of the
Then I guess the notice that the URL
of that page couldn't be found anymore came up after Spark fixed things again.
It's all a mystery to me.

So I am being very careful to check for that page where it shows the
"unregistered poster" whenever I make or reply to a post now and will continue to do so, although I don't recall seeing the page with the "unregistered poster" at the bottom of the screen on the "reply to post page".

Hell!!! Bladeforums is a big part of what I do during the day and all hours of the night as you can see from the times I post sometimes.
And there's a lot of nights when I can't sleep that I get up and turn this thing on and happen to find someone else as been

I sure wouldn't screw up the forum(s) intentionally even if I had a clue as to how to do that and it makes me feel really bad that the same thing happened
And I __really would like to know why that page with the "unregistered poster" sometimes happens to come up when I go to post__.

I guess Spark is too busy right now to mess with things since bladeforums is undergoing a big change right now with Mike Turber going on to other things.
(Mike said in a post in the general forum the other day that he would explain what's going on when it's a done deal.)

And I will continue to bug the WebTV Corp until I get some kind of answer from them.
They are incredibley slow in getting back to someone with a complaint, but what else would you expect from a company that is owned by Microsoft....

If it does happen again I will either get myself a new improved WebTV unit or a computer before I do anymore posting, but if or when you feel someting looking over your shoulder it will probably be me.
I don't think any harm would come from lurking.
And if I do happen to have to quit posting I will let y'all know by passing on an e-mail to Uncle Bill.

DAMN But I would __MISS__ being HERE!!!!!!!


Indin word for lousy hunter.
I just noticed something else.
Where the cookie problem wasn't affecting me the other day it is now.
I have my preferences set to show 20 days and it is only showing 5 days.
I just deleted my cookies and then reset my preferences and it's still showing only 5 days.
After this post where I had to enter my name and password I will check to see if I have to do that again, I shouldn't if the cookies were reset I don't think, would I?

Same deal, my name and password didn't automatically come up so I guess that means the cookie problem is back?
Strange that it didn't affect me the last time and it is now.
Maybe it isn't my browser causing the problem after all?

Off to try again.

Still only showing 5 days and still have to enter name and password.


Indin word for lousy hunter.

[This message has been edited by Yvsa (edited 04-16-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Yvsa (edited 04-16-2001).]

Don't worry so much about causing problems on the site. Even if something emanating from your setup did ever cause a problem, fact is that your absence would diminish our group far more than the momentary inconvenience of slow loading.


Live Free or Die

Blues' Knife Pix
Thanks Blues, but it does bother the hell out of me.

Another thing I noticed is that at least I am not stuck on the same post count.


Indin word for lousy hunter.
Thanks Elder Bro.

Y'all are a great bunch!


Indin word for lousy hunter.
Yvsa, if you feel moved to start a new thread before this is fixed you can email the post to me and I'll post it for you. I'm sure there are plenty of others who would be glad to do it, too ... whoever you pick will get to see your post first -- a rare privilege!

-Cougar :{)
Use of Weapons
Bill, if you see a post from that "unregistered member" fellow, delete it! I can't do it because I only have moderator powers in my own forum, but I can tell you how (I don't think you've ever deleted a post, have you?) Click on that pencil icon as if you were going to edit the post and you'll see a box to check to delete it. Save a copy for Yvsa ... and one for Spark; it's a clue....

-Cougar :{)
Use of Weapons
Thanks Cougar!!!!!

And as you have surmised there have been several of the guys here offering to make initial posts for me!!!!! It is much appreciated!!!!
Cougar if I'm not mistaken you found the "unregistered posted" the 1st time this problem came up and brought it to Sparks attention.

And as I surmised in my last reply in the thread, "Yvsa's think tank."
the cookie reappeared when I went to post this reply as my name and password dots were in place.
That shouldn't happen unless I reset my preferences.

I still think it has to something to do with bladeforums cookie and not my unit, since once the cookie is deleted it should stay deleted until the preferences are
I don't mind typing in my name and password every time I post if not accepting bladeforums cookie would stop the problem.
But like I said in the last
"Spark has said if I break the forums again I am going to be banned since he doesn't have time to find and correct the
It's not worth me taking a chance on that so until I get a new unit with a different ISP and revised name and new password I am pretty much dead in the water except in replying to posts.

Thanks again guys for helping me get through this problem.

If it takes a new computer, then it just takes a new computer.


Indin word for lousy hunter.
Go for the new "old" computer, Bro. Vikash just bought a 166MHz, monitor, speakers, all you need to get stared, 4 or 5 years old, refurbished and all checked out and internet ready for $245 which included installation in the home and expert setup.

I know Travis can find you something if you can't get anything locally. I'll bring it down when I'm there for Memorial Day but we need 2 or 3 weeks looking time so let me know.

The computer will open a lot more doors for you and I think you'll enjoy what's on the other side.

Blessings from the computer shack in Reno.

Uncle Bill
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