have any of you guys made a...

Sep 9, 2001
kukri knife? i had/have a colt steel one that ive been meaning to re-handle, and now i cant find the blade :) damn my swiss-cheese brain.

anyhow, anyone here make one? i would think that forging one would be easier to get it to shape than stock removal, but i dont do any forging yet. spose it would take a fairly large chunk of steel to stock remove.

any tips? spose i could make a pseudo kukri like the cold steel ltc one, just kinda a heavy ended machete.

Try going here first.:D

Then to answer your question. No I havent made one yet but I will sometime just to try it. I may even make that my Trackrock hammer-in project. If you are doing things the hard way as in a stock removal khuckri. Try this way. Find yourself and old circular saw blade. Cut a thin strip from it with a hacksaw.Heat to non-magnetic a quench it. if it hardens your in luck. Draw your pattern and drill holes around the pattern. Cut the pattern with your hack-saw in between the holes. Grind or file till the cows come home. Might be fun.


Dont take my link too seriously
I once had an original Cold Steel All Terrain Chopper, and talked John Fitch into reprofiling it thinner for me. He still gives me a hard time about how hard that blade was to grind. A friend of mine asked John to make him a kukri, and john still talks about how hard that blade was to grind. I don't think John ever finished that kukri.
P. Moore posted one he made in the gallery.
Steve Ferguson posted a thread about one he is making by stock removal here.
Yes, Iv'e forged a couple of them. I would think that you could also cut it out and grind. I put a flat grind on mine, tricky but a wicked edge.