Have no fear!!!! Fiddleback Friday 3/18 is still on.

Mar 13, 2006
Even with Andy, Allen & myself heading up to Track Rock in the morning there will be a Fiddleback Friday tomorrow!
Schedules and work routines were adjusted to have things ready for the sale thread tomorrow.

David is handling the whole deal tomorrow!!!


I wrote the thread today and will go in and take the pics in the morning. Then it's all David until I return sometime Sunday. Im not taking my computer but will pick it back up when i get back to the shop on Sunday.

The normal times are still going to be in effect. David will post a preview at some point & unlock the thread at 3pm EST.

Happy sharking & good luck.
Im sure he can handle it just fine. You three just try to enjoy your selfs have a good time an don't sweat it.
Im sure he can handle it just fine. You three just try to enjoy your selfs have a good time an don't sweat it.


i have no question David can handle it. He's much smarter than me and did a superb job when we all headed up to Track Rock last time.

It was also cool when i first took over the Friday thread that the sharks also "monitored" `the thread and let me know if i had missed something.

awesome folks here!