Have you guys seen the new, improved Spyderco Chinook?


knife law moderator
Dec 25, 1998

This looks much better than the original to me. This one has me very excited. I believe it is more like the original Keating design.
Yuck... dont like the new one. :(
I'd heard it would be ground so the back edge could be safely sharpened, for back-cuts... guess not. Yuck.

New one= ugly.
Old one = ugly, but in a better way.

Edited to add some more "yuck"s.
Yuck: It looks too much like the yucky looking Spyderco Ayoob.
Yuck: Why do we need traction grooves for our thumbs on a martial bladecraft knife when most folks use hammer grip due to its superiority.
Yuck: that false edge looked nice, the lines were nice, what purpose is served in getting rid of it?
Wow, nice knife. I have the original Chinook, and will probably buy the new one too. Maybe my old Chinook will become a collectors item. :D

My only complaint is that I would have like to see Spyderco add the compression lock to the Chinook II. That vertical blade play drives me crazy.
There does not appear to be a significant differance between the two. I will keep my two originals....both with no blade play of any sort..the advantage of buying in a b&m store although it cost a very small amount more. I will not purchase the new one
I have an original version and love it:), but this version I'm on the fence about. It is closer to Keating's original concept drawings, featured in Fighting Knives, at least to my eye:).
I don't like the new one either. I would have stuck with the old design and compression locked it. That would make it easier to open, and would eliminate the "play" that so many people dislike.

I agree with satin, my first impression was Ayoob with a different handle.
I wonder if they did the new blade design to save some weight?
The new blade just does'nt look right to me, too swoopy. They
should have did the compression lock though.
I know nothing about MBC issues.

But I know that this new design looks like the Ayoob - and unlike the original, it has no resemblence to a Bowie knife, which was part of the appeal.
Yeah, I like the looks of the original better. I have one, and would agree that the only problem I have with it is the slight amount of vertical blade play. I wouldn't mind seeing the same blade shape as in the old model, but with a compression lock, or ball lock.
I like the the old design better. But I do like the looks of the handle on the new model. Looks like it might give a better grip at the index finger.
If you put the old blade with the new handle I think you would have a pretty good looking knife. I like the more pronounced choil/guard on the new handle.

I would love to see a knife like this with the compression lock, but sometimes changing the locking system means just about a total redesign of the knife.
I like the blade-style of the older Chinook better, but I like the fact that with the "II" model, that the pocket-clip can be changed around (I'm a "lefty").
I agree: Yuck.

I'm all for function over style, but the Chinook really goes overboard on the ugly scale.

I'd much rather have "premium" or upscale versions of the tried and true Endura and Delica.

Just my thoughts,
Originally posted by CH
I agree: Yuck.
...I'd much rather have "premium" or upscale versions of the tried and true Endura and Delica.

Just my thoughts,
Yup...A Delica and an Endura with dual stainless liners and G-10 scales (with multiple clip position options like the new Chinook II) would be very nice.
I tell ya, Dann, I've tried lots of high end folders in the last three years, and I keep coming back to the Delica and Endura. I love 'em :) .

G10, stainless liners, VG-10 or S30V blades that are a bit thicker, and a Compression or Axis-type lock would be awesome. Nothing wrong with lockbacks, though. I'd much rather have a lockback than a liner lock.

Damn I think that new one looks pretty damn nice!

That choil looks a lot more functional than the old one.
It's big, it's honkin, and it's got better steel. I may have to get one of these.