Hawk Toad revisited..


Enjoying the discussions
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Oct 8, 2001
Ok, so I called the T.O.A.D. knife one of the uglier knives I have ever seen. I don't take it back. Even now that I *OWN* one, courtesy of Dave Harvey of Nordic knives from the ECCKS Show. :)


I was curious about this crazy knife after reading John Gonzales' previous post. John wrote up a fine article on it, and it caught my interest. I like curiosity's, and this is an oddity fershure. The construction is top-rate as is the incredible smoothness of the opening and closing. If you like mechanical contraptions (and I do, because I'm a mechanic by profession), this won't disappoint you. There is so much going on in the mechanism, that I can't even begin to describe it. You just have to handle one sometime.

I described the *beauty* of this knife at a ECCKS dinner table to a buddy and then presented it to him. After he looked at it open, closed, and turning it all around, he drawled: "Nope.... it just doesn't get any better..." ;)

This one has a little polish on the blade and hardware. It's kinda like putting nice hubcaps on a Jeep. All my joking aside, I actually like this a lot because of it's current uniqueness. It's growing on me.

There are some things I like about this knife; in particular the shape of the blade, but overall I still think it is just butt ugly. Just too mechanical and clunky looking for me.
Hey Coop, I got a chance to handle that at ECCKS and damn is it cool. I didn't have enough time to get real comfortable with opening and closing it, but the mechanism is really interesting and the action is very smooth. I really liked it! Good score.
Hey Coop,

You'll get no argument from me - it's both ugly and cool:) It definitely has that techno-sci-fi thing going. I remember reading John's post and thinking that the way it opens and closes was really very neat. Have fun with it buddy!


They are very cool contraptions , but they are as noted pure d damn ugly. Maybe if one drinks enough it might be like the girls at closing time ;) ,then again that would lead one to the bull dog ugly stage the next morning and you would have to chew yer arm off to get away silently ....

Nice score in the cool factor category anyway .
Yup :).., those sure are a conglomeration of -stuff-...lol. Amazing job of engineering to be sure.., and yes.., not one to buy an Octagonal Rotating Display case for... :rolleyes:

Incredible picture as always Coop..., your pictures are just phemomenal..., thanks for sharing...

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