Hayes vs Ranger

May 21, 2001
Hi guys... I'm new to this part of BFC, so please bear with me. I just discovered the tomahawks and all I can say is WOW!

Those are amazing!

My question is this: If you were looking for a field tool/weapon and availability and price were not an issue, which would you choose - the Hayes or the NG Ranger... And why?

I really appreciate your answers guys. Thanks.

GOOD question...I am interested in hearing from those who have both and use them extensively...

I would GUESS the NG Ranger because of edge characteristics of the spike...but I could be wrong...:confused: ;) :p
Originally posted by Cyblade
haye's is a diffrent manufacture and is ripping off ATC's designs, it's a loooooong story thats been told many times. If you want an awesome hawk from a company that stands behind it's products 110% you should buy the ATC NG Ranger if you want something made by a company with no ethics well theres always that other company...........

I think the gentleman above was speaking of the Hawk designed by Wally Hayes called the Hayes Hawk for ATC...It's on the ATC website under products and under Hayes...I assume he was speaking of the differences between this hawk and the NG Ranger not the knock brand of Hawks the resembles ATC and Mr. Hayes's work.

At least thats what i thought he meant...:confused:
I'm betting that David is thinking about the collaboration 'Wally' Hayes hawk from ATC. Which is a beautiful piece with a precision machined head and nicely carved handle for grip.
I don't own a NG Ranger, but I chose the Hayes for it's longer cutting edge, and I'm not a thrower(and I don't think the Hayes is designed for it) so it was perfect for me. The baldric style concealex sheath that came with mine is a great high speed grab and drawbreak carry system as well.

Hi Guys... Just to clarify something, I was referring to the "Hayes Hawk" on the ATC website. :)
How many of you have more than one tomahawk.....some of you have dabbled in the cheapies, haven't you......now confess...
I only have 2 CS hawk. And those were bought 15 years before ATC even came to existence.

The rest of my hawks are from ATC!!!!!;)
I have 1 now...1 on the way from Justin...

By the summer I should have a second custom, a Brend, a second VT Tac and an NG Ranger...

Excuse me...Last of the Mohicans is on...;)
I'm thinking of having only one 'hawk. And also, I'm not a big thrower - I'm sure it is fun (and deadly in the hands of a properly trained individual) but I don't think that I'd really have a need to throw.

I like the looks of the Hayes Hawk. But Functionality both as a weapon and a field tool is of greater import in the aforementioned scenario I had put forth.
Then I would say get the NG Ranger...but because both Hawks are similiar in shape and design characteristics...I think this is purely subjective...

Vin Creazzo
I must admit that the viking lines of the Hayes Hawk is pretty appealing:D

But the NG Ranger is pretty cool as well. Has anyone handled the HH?
I've got the standard HH, and the workmanship, fit and finish are very tight. I've not done heavy chopping on wood and so forth, I didn't really want it for utillity use, so I can't speak of how good it 'works', but I've trained with it in my Kali curriculum on my own, and it moves nice. I'm used to stick and knife, so the main adjustment for me is the weight, but that can be compensated for. My only recommendation for ATC on this one would be the addition of a lanyard hole(which anyone could place on their own I know). Since this is a hefty piece meant for hand held stikes, I feel a lanyard to enhance weapon retention is paramount.
