HD camcorder for WIP and stuff...?


I spent a lot of time researching HD video cameras this summer, reading lots and lots of reviews and watching sample videos. I found that many of the cameras that initially seemed promising had poor ratings for use in low light (like in a forging areas).

I also weighed the pros and cons of the DSLR option and decided that that was not necessarily a less expensive option, since you then need to buy lenses and a decent microphone.

To accomplish what I wanted, I finally chose the Sony Handycam HDR-PJ790, which I'm quite pleased with.

To cut down on the cost, I was able to find a (barely) used camera. I'm not suggesting that you get the same camera I did, but you might want to consider looking for something used, as you can often find a much better camera than you could otherwise afford.

Don't forget that, no matter which camera you end up with, you'll probably need some auxiliary lighting.

Once you get your camera, you'll probably need some kind of video editing software. I've tried a bunch of different programs and, so far, I've had the best luck with Adobe Premiere Elements 11.

Good luck, and I hope Santa come's through for you.
Wow Chris, thanks for your reply!

That camera looks very professional--- nice! :)

I'll have to look into that Adobe software- thanks for the recommendation. I've just been using Windows Movie Maker, because that's what was already on this computer. :foot:

Thanks Chris! :)
Yeah the auxiliaries will cost you as much if not more than your camera itself. Kind of like an end mill or lathe. You might want to do an internet search of a local film making groups in your area. They are constantly selling old equipment off to keep pace with the newest thing. Make friends with them so they can educate you on what to look for in used equipment. Here locally if you needed it you could buy a red one camera with mysterium sensor, with shoulder rig, all the accessories for about 8 grand. The same set up a few years ago brand new would have cost you about 50 to 60 thousand. Of course that camera is way overkill for what you are wanting. Unless you want to make your own web series, or films. You might be able to barter a knife with the film makers to use as a prop for good used equipment. My lighting and sound equipment cost me more than my camera itself a canon xa10 that I bought through my companies employee discount program. Also if you have a local college that has film making classes at night you might want to look into it because then you can buy your software at student prices, use their equipment, and get some pointers.