Hello...Could use a good Hawk Website for designs

Jun 10, 2001
First time posting on this Forum.
Hello all:)
I am in the process of designing a modernistic fighting Hawk and could use some Design inspiration. I have seen ATC's site and was very impressed with the designs.
I am interested in getting a mix of Futuristic and Bearded gothic in a hawk blade. Definetly will be a fighting piece with a Solid Black Acetal (Delrin) handle about 16-18".

If you can point me to some websites that feature War axes, Tomahawks or medieval designs that would be a great help.

When it gets done I will make a point of posting a pic here for all too see.

You might try looking through this forum for some posts by Raymond Richards. He is forging some really nice hawk heads. I don't have an online image account so I can't post a picture. Email me and I'll forward some of the images I have of his hawks.

- Mike
You're welcome, Robert. I'm looking forward to seeing what designs you come up with.