hello girls...

Jun 9, 2002
..I heard you need a hand in here to keep these boys under control?

It's probably best that we stick together, safety in numbers and all that....GO GIRLS!!!:D :D :D

The smilies are quite cool.:cool:
Welcome Mrs.Gundy

Congrats, I understand you 2 have a little girl on the way. And that will make one of each for you, COOL :cool: (at this point Guy is thinking YEAH, ONE OF EACH BUSSE, GOOD IDEA! )
Greetings, Mrs.G.
Congraulations on the upcoming little one, and I love your avatar- it is simply adorable. :D

:D :) :p :cool: :eek: :eek: :barf: :D I love them smilies too.
The roo and 'roolet' (lol) took my fancy as well. Got to love GOOGLE search.

I also had a little help from Guy uploading it as I am a beginner at this sort of thing.

Thank you for the welcome.:D
Welcome, I love the avatar! WAY:cool:
You're right, strength in numbers. Maybe we can get Jerry and Jennifer to design a knife for The Pink team! Something small, or maybe....
I have to think awhile.

Hi Mrs. gundy!

Yeah... another girl to add to our group. Plus, one more on the way! Congratulations.

I love your avatar. How creative. :)

Thanks so much for dropping (& hopping) by. ;)

Jennifer Busse
Welcome Mrs Gundy,

Man ohhh man.... I need to find myself a woman who loves knives. The only thing my girlfriend likes is the little pink cricket I gave her. I've tried everything to convert her, maybe a bad apple like Mrs. Skunks would do the trick.
Welcome Mrs. Gundy and congratulations to you and Guy on
your upcoming bundle of joy!!:)