help! desperately searching


Feb 18, 1999
I have been desperately searching for the following knives for months now:
      * BM-910SBT-LH left handed benchmade stryker, BT coated, partially serrated tanto blade       
*Camillus CUDA2SL,   Left Handed CUDA Tanto with Partial serration.
I have spoken with the manufacturers who have told me that they make them and gave me the catalogue numbers but I still can't seem to find a dealer who can get them or even give me a price. I have tried all the major dealers on the net with no results.
As you can see I am desperately searching for a good quality LEFT HANDED liner lock
(<$200), not an ambidextrous knife, but a left handed knife. I have found knives which claim to be ambidextrous, but they still don't open as fast and as smooth as for a right hander. All my current knives are right handed and I cringe at being in a life threatening situation and not being able to defend myself fast enough because I am "handicapped" with a knife built for right handed people. I would appreciate any help to steer me to a dealer who can supply with the knives. Thanks.
Lee I have a BM Axis lock that is truly ambi.
The pocket clip is reversable, the thumb stud is on both sides and the release is on both sides of the knife. My son is left handed and he likes it. Make me an offer!
This knife is extremely robust in design and right now is pretty darned sharp.
Lee, did you check with Northwest Cutlery for the Stryker? I know they have had them in the past. Good luck with your search. If you find a source other than Northwest, please post it because I too am a lefty.


who dares, wins

I have the Benchmade AFCK and mini AFCK left hand models in stock. Black blade, combo edge
Thanks George
Lee -- I, too, have been looking for a LH version with BT2 coating of the Stryker from most of the online dealers. When I contacted BM they said I can buy from them direct but at their suggested retail price. No way.

I'd be also interested to know any online dealers selling a LH Stryker...
Lee look at the Spyderco C16 too. I have one and is my favorite pocket clip knife. It is totally ambidextrous, the clip reverses to left or right, it has the spyderco thumg opening hole, great blade shape, extremely SHARP! Did ya hear me Benchmade, sharp, sharp, sharp..... NOT THAT MY AXIS ISN'T,sorry for shouting Lee. Trust me on this one get the C16 and your worries are over. Right around 45 bucks or so at Discount knives. The handle is nice and grippy on it, it has great spine thickness and the handle puts the blade in line with your wrist for thrusting. It also is of a nice slime profile and is very lite weight. Did I mention it was sharp, Benchmade did I. I guess you can't tell I have a little bone of contention to pick with BM regarding sharpness of my AXIS lock. Anyways go with he C16 you will love it.