Help me choose?

Jan 10, 2000
I'm looking to buy a knife for general daily carry, and am trying to decide between these 3 models. Have considered long and hard before narrowing down to these three, so I do know I won't go very wrong with any. Would appericiate if you could share your opinions on the following...

Native Lightweight @USD$77 (GIN-1)
Calypso Jr. Lightweight @USD$45 (VG10)
Delica Lightweight @USD$61 (Old 'plastic clip' model)

Am also quite confused about the various steels used, their characterstics and how they might make a difference - Should I try get my hands on a newer Native(440)/Delica(VG10) instead? Could anyone direct me somewhere I could read about it? Thanks!

Misc: I currently carry a anodized aluminium Cricket (plain edge), 'tip down'; I tried for a short while, but cannot figure how to draw and open a tip up blade in a single motion
If I were you, I'd get a new-model (plain-edge) FRN Delica, with VG-10 steel, and the Boye-dent. That is an awesome LW folder.
Hmmz... Am quite new so do bear with me - but whats a "Boye-dent"? Could find some descriptions of it on google, but no pictures.
Delica for sure. It is the best bang for the buck knife u can buy. My FRN Vg10 Delica is so sharp. It is the sharpest knife i have every own or seen. It is Scary sharp. I cannot replicate that sharpness with the fine 204 stones. I hope the ultrra fine ones can. I am going to buy the Carbon Fibre Delica for sure.
Out of the knives you listed, I would pick the VG-10 Calypso. All are great knives, but the calypso has the best steel, and a great edge geometry. Plus, it's the cheapest.

To learn more about steels, and the knives in question, go to, and keep coming back here. You'll learn in a hurry.

As for the Boye detent: Go to, check out the different pictures.

The Boye detent is the scoop cut out of the lock back release. Instead of being flat, like a normal release, it has a sort of dip in it. This is supposed to prevent you from accidentally disengaging the lock while gripping the knife tightly. IMHO, it works great.

Regarding the different steels: Gin-1 and AUS8 (probably the steel on the delica) are inferior to CPM 440V or VG10. 440V holds an edge very well, but is hard to sharpen. VG10 also holds a great edge, but is easier to sharpen. Not that there is anything wrong with AUS8 or Gin-1 - both are decent steels as well. But, VG10 and 440V are better.

I don't know if you're in the US or not, but if so, and you're willing to buy online, you can probably get those knives for a lot less money.

For example, the Spyderedge Calypso Jr is on sale at for $24.99 + shipping.

Or, the new Native in 440V is available from (the sponsor of for a very reasonable $56 + shipping. They also have the VG-10 delica for $44 + shipping.

If you're willing to pay $10 or $20 more than the price you listed for the Gin-1 native, you could get a Police model, or maybe a Military.

-- Rob
I've not seen the Calypso...
I'd go for the Native. I love that design.
From the items you listed there, the Calypso is the best choice. I'll explain you why:
First, it's a great knife. Ergonomics, sheeple friendly, low profile.
second, it's VG-10, the best steel compared to GIN-1 and ATS-55.
Third, it's incredibly cheap!

Now, the Native, has the GIN-1 steel, that means it's an older model. Good steel, but VG-10 is better by far.
Also the Delica, being the one with the moulded clip, that means it has AUS-8 steel (ATS-55 if you're lucky). Also no match for a VG-10.
Originally posted by glockman99
If I were you, I'd get a new-model (plain-edge) FRN Delica, with VG-10 steel, and the Boye-dent. That is an awesome LW folder.

I concur. Get the most up to date version that G'man mentioned. It is a much better knife than the one that you had mentioned.

All FRN models in the Delica and Endura plaform are made with Vg10. So metal quality is not an issue. Get the Delica for sure.
Decided to look into ordering a new Delica over the net, but the cost of shipping is unfortunately prohibitive. I'm not in the US, and 1SKS quotes USD$85 for all international orders.

Hmmz... there is no way I'll pay USD$85 to ship something thats USD$45. :eek: *sigh*
If you can get a plainedge Calypso Jr. at that price, scoop it up. It's an incredibly good knife (Mmm...full flat ground VG-10...), and they're virtually impossible to find any more. I used to carry a Delica daily, but my Calypso's taken over. Wonderful, wonderful knife. And you may never get another chance.

Can i ask you where you are ordering from. I order from They are really nice people. I got my order in 4 days. Wicked service. Shipping to Toronto was only $19.50. Fast and reasonable pricing. I may order my next Benchmade 710HS from New Graham Knives, , knifeworks didnt have any in stock.
My #1 choice: Native lightweight in S30V steel when it's released (should be soon). The Native is my every day carry, but I would prefer it in S30V steel to the current CPM440V.

My #2 choice: Calypso Jr. lightweight plain edge. Every bit as good as the Native, just a little smaller, with a thinner blade. Cuts are more precise than the Native, but the knife is less beefy.

Either of these would make you very happy. :) Good luck with the shipping charge - it sucks that it's such a large percentage of the cost of the knife!

I'm in Singapore, so thats quite a fair bit away.

Yes, the Calypso Jr is a plainedge which is what I'm looking to get.

Am considering the Delica & Native, as I'm keen on handling something thats tip-up for a change. But haven't had much chance finding a new-model one around here...

Am keen on this particular Calypso because it looks like a really good deal.

Hmmz... :confused: :(
There's nothing wrong with any of the knives you mentioned, but I have to give the highest marks to the Calypso Jr. in VG-10. An incredible knife, pure cutting satisfaction.

It is also discontinued, so if you can get one, get it.
I would say the Native but the PE Calypso jr is getting very hard to find so I would go with it.You can get a Native anytime plus if you wait a few weeks on the Native it will have the upgraded steel.
Hey! Thanks everyone for the feedback. I finally made up my mind, and picked up a PE Calypso Jr (VG10) for @USD$45 here. =) Had checked with the shop, and that was the very last piece they had too. :D

Without a doubt, I'm most pleased with it. It's 'flatness' and light weight feels good. A lovely piece, and I can't figure why they aren't producing it anymore. I do think I got it at an excellent price for it too, as when I looked closer at the price tag, I could see it was originally sold at @USD$80.

Things might have turned out differently if I could get my hands on a new model Delica instead, but they didn't, so it doesn't matter.

It looks really pretty brand new and all, I almost cannot bear to use it as my daily carry as it'd then end up with nicks and scratches all over... :p
