Help me get rid of chisel grind!

Jan 27, 2002
Just wanted to ask the experts what is the best way to get rid of the chisel grind on my Emerson Mini Commander? What should I use to reprofile, and what angle should be used? What angle is currently on the blade from the factory now? Please post any other tips that would be helpful. Thanks guys.
I suppose that you have considered just trading it off for somethig you would like better. I have a Benchmade CQC7 and didn't like the chisel grind at first but got used to it and rather liked it once I realized how easy it was to sharpen.

On thinking about regrinding it to a V edge, I would think that you would lose too much blade in the process getting the bevel that would cut well. I certainly wouldn't try it, but someone else here may have had a favorible experience doing so.
Originally posted by John Watson
I suppose that you have considered just trading it off for somethig you would like better.

I agree, if I were you (and I realize that I am not) I would look to trade for something that I would enjoy. You may be happier in the long run if you go that route. I have traded on BF before and I feel that the process works well.
To convert your commander, since it is a recurved blade the best thing to do is to ask on Shop Talk who you could send your knife to for sharpening! It would take a maker only a couple of minutes to make the edge a real double ground edge. You could get a small belt sander and do it yourself, or those paper wheels too. But definitely try Shop Talk. I know that Neil Blackwood has doen custom work on Commanders before, so maybe try e-mailing him. He might tackle the edge for ya!
I agree.

Sell/trade it off. Some folks can't get use to the chiisel grind, and regrinding it would probably be a pain in the neck:), not to mention expensive.

I make many chisel grind knives and to regrind it for a double grind would just ruin it.A great deal of steel would have to be removed to get the proper angles which would result in a very narrow blade.Take the advice given before, trade/or sell it.Dave
Thanks for the help guys. I have it up in the for trade forum now. Maybe one day I'll get used to the grind. I really liked the rest of the knife though.
What the others have said is probably correct - regrinding would be a waste of time, money and steel. This is a knife designed from the ground up to be a chisel ground. I suggest you hang on to it for at least a couple of reasons -

1) you might end up liking it. Have you used a chisel grind before ?
2) if you don't, some poeple consider Emerson's to be collector pieces.
3) if you don't like the chisel grind, there are others who do - you could do a great trade for something else that might suit you better.

An alternative is what I accidentally did when I was in a hurry making a chisel ground blade. Got it mixed up with the other double ground blades in my batch and accidentally ground the edge bevel on the wrong side - not the side with the primary bevel ! In using it, I found that it "centres" the cut a bit better if you prefer that sort of thing.

Hope that helps. Cheers.
Man,I can't remember his name but theres a forum member in Fla. who regrinds them.I sent him one of mine,cost a whole $15 bucks!!:) As long as he had it I had him anodize the liners purple for another $15.

Good work good prices and fast turn around,someone must remember his name.
I did it myself with a diamond stone. Took a good few hours, but it was worth it. The knife now performs better, and it is easier to keep sharp. I havn't had a chance to use it much yet, but I didn't like the chisel grind much myself, so this is an improvement. The one drawback is that I scratched up the black coating pretty bad, but I had used the knife and scratched it anyway, so don't care.
Just to clarify for a few posters here, the Commanders are double ground, but have chisel ground edges. Regrinding the edge shouldn'y yoo troublesome at all.

Lone Hunter, I too forget the name of that guy! He has a website with prices and all... so much for jeweled liners, so much for annodizing, etc. If Lone Hunter's memory (or mine for that matter) comes back, maybe we can post the name before you get rid of the knife for a feature that is easily and inexpensively changed. Maybe ask on the Emerson forum who does the Emerson customizations.
Thanks guys, maybe someone here will remember the guy and his website. Seems this forum will probably produce the name, as it gets much more traffic than the Emerson forum.
Thanks Crayola,as you can probably tell, Jason and I don't see too many production knives. Dave:)
If it's chisel grind, you'll have to trade it off, but if it's a chisel edge with a V grind, and you don't mind loosing a lot of metal, you could still try and fix it up.
Lone Hunter,
What kind of knife did you have the edge reground on? Was it an Emerson? Any chance you could post a picture of it, to show how much metal you ended up sacrificing? Thanks for any help.