Help me name this bad boy

Dec 11, 2001
So far I call it "The Gambler"

I suppose "Freakin' Gorgeous San Mai Damascus Bowie" might sound a bit too self-congratulatory, but it's the first thing that comes to my mind. Did you do up that sheath awesome as well? That is a truly worthy companion to that great knife.


Since the knife that I have on order with you is called the "Leuschen Toothpick", your welcome to consider this name I had submitted in an earlier name-the-knife contest on BF's since it wasn't used: "The Adjudicator". Look it up in the dictionary & see if it fits! ;)
Not much for coming up with names for things, but looking at the sheath and edge of the blade the name *Frontier Fire* comes to mind.

This is one of the nicest Bowies that I have seen.
Thanks guys, keep em comin.
Hey what do you call it when you have ace, king, queen, jack, and 10 of hearts...royal flush? Thats what the tooling is and a couple gambling chips off to the side. Maybe call it "Royal flush"?
Yes I do as much or everything that I can, I like the whole sole authorship thing, I can try to get some better pics of the sheath if you guys want, as you`ve all seen the close ups of the knife.
'Old man whiskers'

'Mountain oath'

'whiskey fighter'

Nice knife and very nice sheath!:eek:
Great looking bowie. While Gambler certainly fits the theme, that name makes me immediately think of Bill Bagwell for some reason. How about "High Plains".
Good lord!!!! Sweet Bowie!!!!

Kinda reminds me of the old Riverboat gambling era......I would call her.."The Mississippi Queen"...or the "Maverick Bowie".

HAha, you guys reminded me of a song.

"Don't you sit and look at me with stayin in your eyes
Marriage is like shootin against a pair of loaded dice
I'd rather go on bein free
I'm a natural born rambler
Momma was a dodge city dance hall girl...
And my daddy was a riverboat gambler" (chris ledoux's riverboat gambler)

The gambler sounds good. Or maybe the dodge city special or something :confused: The Rambler would work too.

Thats an awesome knife. I like everything about it.
Fur trader
Kenny Rogers
Name of a mountain range (Ozark, Pocono, Cascade) + hunter
