HELP! need advice

Mar 10, 2002
hi, my name is idahoskunker
i need help

you already know this so i will go right on to the important part
i need your input
i have a couple of rifle safes, top of the line
i also use 4 single gun vualts through-out my home (grandkids)
i exercise my god given rights and carry
life nra
life uspsa
life everything that a good gunner contributes to

please advise
i want a wall safe to put in my walk in closet (between the studs (not you studs) of a 6" wall) for 1 ar-15 and 1 browning a-5, both with full armament (grenade launchers, lights, etc). easy in the dark no light access, i feel i need some long guns close by my bed to go along with my pistolas.

any of the busse brotherhood (BB) been this route before or know of anybody who has?

i don't want to waste my money on cheap *h*t, (or i wouldn't be at this site) please advise

skunk out (and will be after 4 nore drinks):confused: :D :barf:
Idaho, there will be custom contractors in your area that will build a safe to your specifications you can convert your whole closet into a safe of just part of it, can be as elaborate as you would like...steel studs or poured concrete walls etc. I work with homebuilders on a daily basis and have seen some super nice ones. One attorney has a 3 room concrete and steel vault built into his basement...big bank vault door, pretty cool. I'd start by contacting a custom home builder and see who he knows and then start the bidding process. Its not really that difficult, and a basic closet conversion does not cost as much as you would expect. Has a real "cool" factor when friends come over too.

There are probably some safe companies that sell some smaller vaults that could be recessed into your wall if you have enough room, but I like the custom jobs better.

Just a thought
thank you bachan! i do have a larger vault (secret) but it's on the other side of the house where my body guards live. i was thinking more of a in the wall kinda safe just for a couple of long guns.
something more in reach of a bed room or masterbath?

3 more drinks and i'm gundy!
LOL, Idaho I'm glad that my strikes against the skunki are striking fear into your heart...but don't go overboard my perfumorous friend :D You can't shoot the cold darkness of night.....sleep well, sleep well ;)

Contact Marc at the Busse Custom Shop, I'm sure you could order what you need built to your specifications :D ;) :D

I think a custom safe/vault with solid INFI walls would be cool. You could get the BM model with the 9.5" thick solid INFI walls and doors or maybe the SH model with 7.5" thick INFI walls and doors.

According to Cliff Stamp's experiments, Micarta doesn't burn so if you wanted the model with a fire rating it could be lined with your choice of Micarta wall covering. :rolleyes:
Idaho, are you sure the only thing you are doing is drinking? Sounds like you are having delusions of grandeur!

:D :D :D
Imagination and creativity are the masters of disguise...and hiding cool stuff;)

A Sawzall, router, and some creativity will go a long way Stinky:cool:
#$%^ your safe man! I want pics of that AR-15!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:

Is this a 37mm or the real deal 40mm launcher?

I been thinking of a similar safe..... let me know what you decide on.
yes this is what i was looking for, and note the browning a-5 already in it!
thanks for the link:cool:
You are very welcome. I am enjoying my new modem and now the power of the cable modem has been used for good!:rolleyes: :D
Now this is what I like about this forum.

If you have a question regarding other quality items you can ask it here and generally someone either knows the answer or can help find the answer.

Very Cool :D:D

May I suggest getting the movie "Panic Room" and using that as your blueprint....:)

As a matter of fact,, a friend of mine just built a house and put in a panic room of sorts....

the walls are 12" thick reinforced concrete and the cieling is either 14" 04 18" thick. Its actually his garage above....

The wall with the door is ever solid 12" thick reinforced..All he needs is a vault door and he's in business...

Its Really really nice,, only bad thing is,, ,theres no escape route...(He didn't think about that!)Its still possible to build one,, but would be massive work.

Even if the house burned, as long as they had fresh air I think they would survive a fire in it.

Anyway,, just a quick rant...

Infi Rules!


i think the alphamaniv wall vault is more in line, i just need a couple of close by long guns for varmints (4 and 2 legged) and my curious grandkids safe.

I just bought two 45 ga drums of Jergens off e-bay.... :)
Got the last two I think..

Now to find a good one handed pump for it.. LOL:)



Man is this thread headed in the wrong direction....:)