All excellent advice, I'm not a lawyer but remeber 11 words "I was in fear for my life, I want a lawyer..."
North Carolina is generally more leviant when it comes to Self-Defence since they are a shall-issue CCW permit state. But get a lawyer NOW, otherwise you might have bubba to talk it over with, stick to the same story, do not awnser any questions with out your lawyer present. Make sure your wife has the story straight, her consiensty is very important as well. Since your a student your probably not in the best finical situation, this whole thing isn't your fault.
About the "Deadly force" thing, lets look at it this way these two men were intoxicated, he had to protect him self, his wife, and his proptery. He also had his glasses knocked off which means his vision is imapried (legally saying), your life may not have been in danger but you were in fear for your life.
I'm helping based on the info he has given, not on his politics, if he is lying about some of the details then hes only screwing himself. If hes lying entirely (making the whole thing up) hes digging an even bigger hole for himself.