Help on SABC M9 articles

Sep 24, 1999
I am trying to find someone who can furnish me with copies of the "Society of American Bayonet Collectors Journal" that contain articles by Homer Brett entitled "Phrobis and the M9 Bayonet: Part three" and also "Part 4". I do not need the whole thing, just a photocopy of the M9 articles. I do not have the issue numbers, but they were published sometime after the fall of 1993 issue. I already have parts one and two. If any body out there can help, I would greatly appreciate it. I will gladly pay for photocopying and postage. Please e-mail me. I would also appreciate any e-mail from anyone with any interesting info on the M9 bayonet and it's offshoots, especially the M11 EOD knife. I collect these. (9 variations so far!) Thanks!