Help Out a Newbie With Knife Preservation

I'm not an aficionado of knives, but y'all are. And I figured this was the best place to get information.

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That's a knife my grandad gave me. He called it a bolo. It's from the Phillipenes. Apparently Filipinos would use these to throw at Japanese soldiers in raids. My question is about upkeep/restoration. My apologies for the blurry pics, I didn't take the time to set up a studio.

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You can see some rust damage in the middle of the blade there.

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You can see it's had some wear. The rust n' all. Now, should I attempt to get rid of that rust or just try to not let it get worse? I've seen on the Antiques Road Show enough that improper restoration really screws up an historical piece. So should I even attempt anything on it or just keep it oiled?

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Right there near the handle the metal is pitted a little less than a millimeter I estimate. It's along the blade in some spots but near the handle is the worst of it. Will this get worse with time even with proper measures to prevent further rusting?

What's my best option in not destroying this? Because trust me, if it can be ****ed up, I can **** it up.
Nov 9, 1999
Were I you, I'd just keep it nicely oiled. Make sure it's a good oil that won't evaporate quickly. Someone else can probably give you better advice later...

The thing that puzzled me is hearing you say it was thrown. The handle doesn't look like a good shape for throwing. It does however look like a good knife for clearing paths through brush and enemies alike.
Welcome to the Forum,
I'm in the process of putting a handle on a knife just like yours. It's for a buddy and his infromation was that it's called a Talibon, and was used as a slashing weapon and it came from the Phillipenes (That's just what he told me).
I saw one at a flea market with the original handle and sheath for 40. You mentioned that you were thinking of fixing it up, depends what your going to do with it. Oil it, defanatly (3-in-1 is cheap), clean the rust off... Don't know.
Hope this helps
Welcome to'll enjoy yourself here.I have a bad habit of trying to make old things look like new and usually I end up with a shiney/rusty mess.I would follow the advice thus far.A little oil to reduce further rust until you decide what you want to do.

"Just me and my multi-tools."
I use a product called 'Tarnite' that is excellent for removing rust. Look in a good hardware store, probably in the section where they display silver or copper cleaning solutions.

The active ingredient to look for is oxalic acid. Oxalic acid will chemically remove the oxide (rust) without further harming the blade by any metal-removing action.

Apply the product to the rust areas with a paper towel, wipe away the rust. Repeat as necessary. For severe rust pitting, try a little scrubbing with a tooth brush.

When cleaned, lightly oil the blade to prevent recurrance of rusting.
Welcome to the Forums. Naval Jelly, RIG (gunsmith supplies) and motor oil - in that order. Oh, elbow grease, patience and consistent attention won't hurt either.
Be careful with the navy jelly, the stuff can be a health hazard. Simple oil will probably knock off some of the grime (try vegatable/baby oil). If you need more try a metal polish or a rust eraser.

If you've watched "The Antique Roadshow" you know very well that "cleaning up" a collectible antique can destroy its value.

Be it cracked, chipped, or faded, An art collector would rather have what's left of Monet's original work than just about any attempt to "repair" or "restore" it.

Your piece appears to be in excellent condition. Rust on the blade is expected since the steel used was not exactly stainless.

You can try to remove the surface rust by spraying on WD-40 and just letting it sit for about ten minutes or so. Then wipe it off with a soft cloth. Repeat this process three our four times. This will not remove all the rust. You can not remove all of the rust without destroying the surface and the patina that gives this piece its authenticity.

Clean the wooden handle with a gentle oil soap made for wood and be sure it's throughly dry.

Then, cover the whole thing with RENAISSANCE WAX

Finally, if you'd like, a nice shadow box or display case is in order.

Some may wonder of such an unadorned, common piece in less-than-mint condition is worth such care, but if it was something that your grandfather brough from the Philippines, then it's probably special to you.

Balisongs -- because it don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing!