Help with Customs

Apr 19, 1999
In the last two weeks I have had two separate packages mailed to Washington state go missing. Several other packages mailed at the same time to other states have arrived safely.

One of the possible causes for the delay, being an optimist I prefer to call it that, is that the packages are held up in customs.

Can anyone suggest a method to find out if this is the case?

Yes they are knives, were insured, and had customs documentation on them. I know that this is an invitation to the less than honest but I have some faith in the integrity of our joint postal services.


I don't know what it is about Washington state, but I've had problems sending letters there, and receiving packages sent from there, both postal service and UPS. They get where they are going eventually, but I've had a couple UPS packages go lost for over a week inside Washington before showing up again in the UPS tracking system.

It is more expensive, but send your parcels by registered mail. Every person that touches it has to sign for it and the last person that signs for it is financially responsible for it. If something happens it lets the postal inspectors know where to start looking for criminal activity.
agree with the above....i have two close friends that work for the postal service... and registered actually goes into a safe whenever it sits one reason for longer delivery time...
Unfortunately we are dealing with two postal systems here that don't mesh smoothly. The expensive priority system in Canada which is registered becomes regular mail when it crosses the border and regular registered mail which works on both sides of the border has a weight limit of about 1 lb, after that it cannot be registered.

It has been almost three weeks now and the only possible explaination other than theft is that customs is taking a long time to inspect the parcels. I am told it could take up to a month. That seems like a long time but apparently it is not uncommon.

I live in hope of a minor miracle if not the postal service has bought a couple of knives and I will reship. My main concern is for my customers, they have been very patient up to now.

