Help with Horn Handles

May 10, 2002
I have some cow horns I would like to make flat slabs out of for some folders. Does anyone know how to flatten them out? Is boiling a possibility? If anyone can help me out write me at
Thanks, Neil.
Hi Neil,
I am going to move a copy of this to the Shop forum so you may want to check your thread there too.

Glad to have you here with the rest of us.

I'm going to post here instead of sending you an e-mail, because there might be some others that would be interested too.
I have flattened water buffalo horn, goat and sheep horn. what I did was build a simple hand press useing a 4 ton hydraulic jack.Its just a jack that has a 4"x6"x1/4" steel plate on top that raises into another stationary plate the same size. Anyway I first cut the horns in half leaveing curled halves about 5" long, then with a hot plate I heat the horn in cooking oil to around 225 degrees and leave it for approx. 10 minutes. Then working fairly quickly slide a piece in between the press plates and squeeze. leave in the press until cool, about 15 minutes and then press another. From there I drop the scale into a gal. jar with minn wax wood hardener in it, pull a vacuum and stabilize.

Good Luck

Hey thanks bill, I was hoping someone would answer this post. I am going to trade a damascus billet to a guy who raises buffalo. He is going to give me some horn in return. Hopefully they will look nice on the knife.
ok, this is DaQo'tah.

I wanted to make a handle like Ed Fowler does in his 52100 video, but I was unable to locate any sheep horn . So I tried next to find some Moose antgler. No good again...

So I sent away in the Texas supply catalog for some Water Buffalo Horn.

Well, I expected it to work, but now I see a big problem with my new horn.

I dont know what to do with it, Most of the horn is hollow. there is a solid part near the smaller horn section, but the trouble with that section is that its kinda bent and small.

what to do now?