Help with Kydex eyelets


Gold Member
Jan 19, 2003
Hi all,

I just made my first kydex sheath for my small BM TK1. It turned out great except for the eyelets. I bought the 100 pak of "kydex eyelets" from and a Tandy 1/4" setter. The problem is I can't always get them to squeeze the two pieces of kydex together tightly enough.

Here's what I'm doing. I use the setter to roll the eyelet, then when it has a nice even roll, I just smack it with a hammer.

Also, I'm using a small piece of hardwood on the frontside. But all the black coating is coming off. Any secrets on how to keep the coating intact. I tried a couple of layer of masking tape, but no luck.

Thanks for the info.
Hey Chief....

Instead of masking tape, use a piece of leather to protect the face...

Instead of smacking the eyelet with the hammer tap it in a circular motion to set the eyelet in the back..

If the eyelet splits anywhere along the edge you are flaring the eye improperly.

Good luck..


Ah Normark, I knew you'd come through for me:) Thanks for the tips, I'll give 'em a shot.

The first time I tried to set them, I used the punch the whole time, that split the rivets pretty nicely. Then I remembered you posted somewhere about just using the setter to roll them, then tap them down.

I must say after experimenting for a bit with kydex, people just don't appreciate the amount of work it takes to turn out these sheaths. The amount to detail work required is just staggering. Took me about 3 hours to make a small sheath for my TK1. So for anyone who's wondering Eric's prices are MORE than fair.

Thanks again.