Spoonslayer, I have both of these and they each have their own unique attributes, however, neither can be dis-assembled. This should not be a problem tho, as it is easy to clean both with hot water/soap and a through drying and relube of pivot/lock areas; sometimes a toothpick helps to dig out the lint etc.
The G10 Police has a very slender but strong blade in ATS 55 that holds an edge very well; the handle is easy to hold on to without it slipping if hands are wet, etc. I havn't had mine long enough to do extended sessions with, so I'm not sure about hand comfort, but suspect it will be pretty good. The blade doesn't have tons of belly to it, but you could clean a fish with it, so thats a pretty good utility vote. Mine is Plainedge and what I prefer for all around use.
The Calypso has even better blade steel: VG10, great stuff, takes and holds a wicked edge. The blade shape and flat grind make it a very efficient slicer, but the blade is a bit wide for paring. My only gripe is the micarta handle. It can be a bit slippery when wet and isn't very comfortable during extened use. This knife needs a G10 or Zytel handle IMHO and then it'd be as handy as the Military (don't get me started on that one
) Whew, that's one of my longest winded posts ever! Hope there was something there that helped.