Here we go again ... Need to VENT & CHILL !

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Nov 16, 1998
Been trying to get a particular knife I want (inmaterial as to what knife) and my distributor has been out of it for a while now so I had to resort on looking elsewhere for it and of course having to pay more than dealer cost as well. NOW time to VENT. After past threads here and at regarding Discount Knives, I figured what the heck, I would try them one more time. What a fool I was to even want to try again. Once again, no, countless times again I have been trying to contact them via their phone .... busy, busy, busy, busy, bust, etc. It has been since Monday I have been trying off an on. NO LUCK getting through. HOW IN THE HECK CAN THIS COMPANY EXIST? I should have learned from the past and not even tried again. I don't know how many hours I have spent in the past and this week trying to call them and always getting a busy signal. Tried emailing once this week as well, nope, no reply there either!

NOW time to CHILL.

Called Mike at ABC-Direct and guess what, it only took three redials to get through. Not only was he VERY friendly and helpful, he got my order out today for me. I have dealt with ABC-Direct in the past as well as this time, and again the service was A-1. Discount Knives may have advertized a lower price but what good is it if you can never get a hold of them to place an order? ABC-Direct even priced matched for me, too!
I guess for now on if my distributor doesn't have in stock or a particular knife I am in NEED of, then instead of wasting my time elsewhere, ABC-Direct will be the first I call.

Thanks for listening, now that I have vented and chilled out, I feel GOOD!



" Just make a wish and your wish will come true, especially if you have a genie "


I love this blue guy!

[This message has been edited by Mark W Douglas (edited 27 May 1999).]
I understand your frustration - sorry it happened again.

Sounds like ABC-Direct is the upside!

One thing which might help is to get a phone with the feature which automatically redials until it gets through and then beeps to notify you that the call is going through. This is a standard feature on ISDN phones. Not sure about other types of phones. This feature makes it easy on you - a lot less frustration!
Yeah, I've been stonewalled trying to get through to Discount Knives this week as well. I guess they don't need my business if their customers keep the line that busy.

I agree that ABC-Direct is one of the good ones. Very friendly, straightforward, and prompt.


(Why else would a bear want a pocket?)
Thanks for the head's up, will definately stay away from that one....

God bless!

Romans 10:9-10

"Military" Fans Unite!!

Guys, I respect your need to let off steam, but the correct forum for this is the Good the Bad and the Ugly, we specifically created it for this reason.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

Insert witty quip here

Maybe you can cut and paste this thread to that forum? Don't know if that is possible for you to do or not. Haven't been there before, didn't know!

But, I do feel good now


We can't do that with this version, but the next upgrade is supposed to have this capability.

I'll just lock the thread for now and you can put it there when you feel like it.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

Insert witty quip here
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