Here's a case of stabbing with khuks

Jun 4, 2002
Here's an excerpt from an e-mail sent by young Phil "Wheels" Wheeler, I got a big kick out of it and I know y'all will too;

Hey Greg. I have a few pictures you might be interested in. I went hog hunting while i was home. Yeah, with dogs and a knife. Guess which one i took? My 12 inch Sir( I dont know how to spell it). Yes, thats right stabbed her with my khuk. Right under the front armpit, I guess she weighted about 220lbs. I packed it out a good 500 yds. I'll send it to you as soon as i get it scanned. Take care.

Wheels is out of the Air Force and going to college now (may come back as an officer, and he'd make a good one). What'cha think Rusty, maybe "Audrey" wants to go stick hogs. Brendan, there's your answer, of sorts, regarding how well a khuk can stab. I'd still think twice before trying it on a lion.:eek: :D

I would be alright cos there's only one thing to worry about and that would be to outrun Bruise !!

Will do Uncle, I'm looking forward to seeing them myself. Funny, I was thinking while looking at Brendan's thread, that if any of the khuks were "stickers" it would be a Sirupati. Reckon Wheels thought so too.:D
Why the surprise?

Check Howard's Khururi FAQ's and you'll see that Ken Onion made himself a knife for hunting hogs IIRC and it much resembled an americanized khuk.

What some of you may not have heard of since it was probably on the pre-BF (KF) forum is that Pala was over here time before last and took a damaged in shipping 15" Sirupati with cracked handle and rehandled it in oak.

I have it, and it was the first I dared to try to fit to me as Pala left it about an eigth of an inch too large all around. It was a shop #1 product. No magic stone finish, no specialness about it, just a nice little knife thinner than a BAS. And you ought to know by now that I'm just blah on BAS's. And tnis was smaller yet, but...

I just got it out and started to touch it up. That's a stabbing knife for you. Except it has too nice a personality - think of a doberman with the disposition of a golden retriever.
But, I have a Kobra that just came home today that would be a good sticker too. That and the 15" and 20" Sirupati's. When I replace my 18" it will no doubt be a good sticker too, and a slicer, and a light chopper, and a fighter, need I go any further.

To get right down to it, just about all but the heaviest choppers will poke a hole in a body. The sharper the blade the easier they punch the hole. Even at that, I think they more or less slice an hole for the rest of the blade to enter. :) :D
Pappy, I'm glad your old Kobra made it home safe and sound. Right about now any snakes in your area with half a lick of sense are lookin' for someplace to hide. I touched up the edge a skosh, so it's all set for head lopping duty.

It felt pretty darn good in the hand besides the edge. I didn't realize how much I had missed it. almost like old times around this place again. Thanks again Sarge. I'll owe you forever.:)
He went out ON PURPOSE hunting hogs with only a knife?

Yes, thats right stabbed her with my khuk. Right under the front armpit, I guess she weighted about 220lbs. I

No gun, no bow, no long-shafted boar spear....just a 12 in knife?

And it wasn't a case of the wild hog attacking him? This was ON PURPOSE?

It does sound a bit amazing doesn't it? Sarge said this guy was a hell of a feller. I guess this just goes to show that he was right as rain. "And only a twelve incher at that. That's what they call getting in close to your target. That is called hunting. :)
interesting quote from the article in your sig line, Kis. Have you ever read Book of Sercrets by Osho?

As for the pig I've considered the spearhunt, but I'd want some leg armor, or a horse under me.

Now if I recall correctly, Sarge, is Wheels the thinnish red haired guy we've seen pix of? Is he a Berserker?


Originally posted by Kismet
He went out ON PURPOSE hunting hogs with only a knife?

Yes, thats right stabbed her with my khuk. Right under the front armpit, I guess she weighted about 220lbs. I

No gun, no bow, no long-shafted boar spear....just a 12 in knife?

And it wasn't a case of the wild hog attacking him? This was ON PURPOSE?


The guy *DID* mention he had a dog as well, didn't he? To my knowledge of boar/feral pig hunting, which is quite common where I live in Australia, the dog (clad in saddle-weight leather armor, for reasons of sanity) is used to track down the pig and put it to the ground, while the hunter, armed with a reasonably long, sharp (obviously) knife, finishes it off...
You fellers are making too big a deal over sticking hogs. Well trained hog dogs will throw a hog to the ground, and, by clamping on to one of it's ears, control it's head so it can't use it's tusks on you. For your part you have to have your wits about you and not waste any time with the knife. Accidents do happen, but most folks that get cut by a hog were either careless or not paying attention.

Keith, Wheels ain't a berserker as far as I know, but he is a native Texan with a temper to match his red hair when he's good and riled up.
