her's my PSK AND B.O.B.

mtnfolk mike

Basic Member
Mar 21, 2006
while we were on the subject, i thought i would post a few pics of my PSK and my BOB...:rolleyes:

my PSK is housed in a small black belt pouch and consists of an upgraded AMK ritter survival kit, a AMK heatsheet, SAK camper, silva compass and an awesome razorback PSK knife, complete with a sharpshooter kydex sheath...

comments and feedback welcome.....:o

here is my pack/BOB... it is a camelbak H.A.W.G....


hey, looks good mike, I personally dont have BOB, but I can find and use everything I'd need in the wooods, as thats the first place I'd go if SHTF. I gotta say though, I really like your largest fixed blade, but what is it? It knida looks like a BRKT snadstorm, I want one of thouse too ;)
Looks good Mike. I've thought about getting one of the Hawgs or a similar aqua friendly pack. Too many irons in the fire, so it's gotta wait it's turn.:D
hey, looks good mike, I gotta say though, I really like your largest fixed blade, but what is it? It knida looks like a BRKT snadstorm, I want one of thouse too ;)

fonly-- it is a bark river snowy river... one of my favorite all around utility knives..... i can't recommend it enough..:thumbup: then again, you can't go wrong with any bark river...:thumbup: :D

longbow---- the camelbak h.a.w.g. is an awesome pack..... i do a lot of mtn. biking and that is my pack of choice..... check them out...:D

Looks good! Where'd you get the kydex for the Razorback? I need to get a sheath for mine. Thanks!
Hey Guys...

Ral nice set up..

What the spoon looking thing with the black handle??
Also what are the little white bundles in the survival kit ??


I can make tyou a sheath for that Razorback..going ot make a few for Scott anyway..


Thats a mighty fine kit mike!

I see your also a card carrying member of the Snowpeak Ti mug owners association of North America.;)
That's a nice kit. If it's okay, can I ask a couple of questions? I'd like to improve my BOB based on your choices.

What did you add to the Ritter PSK? I see a mini-Bic and a wire saw - is there anything else?

I have one of Scott's PSK knives - it's great! I am looking for a sheath for it. Is the sheath made by the sharpshooter that is a member here on Bladeforums?

And what did you choose for water purifcation?

I really like your fast and light setup. Thanks very much for taking the time to post your gear. :)
Hey Guys...

I can make tyou a sheath for that Razorback..going ot make a few for Scott anyway..



Woo-hoo! Eric, can I email you and pay for one as well? I'd love to have an example of your work on one of Scott's knives - that would be quite the setup! :)

Thanks very much!
Hey Guys...

Ral nice set up..

What the spoon looking thing with the black handle??
Also what are the little white bundles in the survival kit ??



eric-- the little thing with the black handle, is a rediculously lightweight trowel... it's made by mont bell... all stainless steel.... there is also some charmin to-go pictured with it.....:o

and the little bundles are some tinder-quick fire tabs.. these things are so cool.. they burn for about 5-6 minutes and lite with the smallest of sparks.. they also work great for cramming into those noisy parts of your kits.....

thanks for all the compliments folks...:D
