Hey, Cliff Stamp!

Apr 15, 1999
Sorry about this, but my emails to you are getting bounced back. Maybe a problem on my end, something about a bad return address. I have some drawings I'd like to send you and continue our discussion - sorry if it ended abruptly! Could you try emailing me one more time, or else I am available on ICQ #22413478 and on AOL IM as "CorduroyTB" Thanks.

Drew, I just fired off another email. If it doesn't work itself out shortly you can just send the drawings to :

Cliff Stamp
Dept. of Physics and Physical Oceanography
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John's, Newfoundland
Canada, A1C-5S7

Just include your phone number with the drawings and I'll drop you a line to work out the details.

Alrighty, I'm still not getting through. I get your emails but my returns get bounced back. No sweat, I'll drop the doodles in "snail mail" and include my phone number so we can do this the old-fashioned way

Drew, sounds good. I'll drop you a line once it arrives.

Marion, if you get a bounced mail again, could you hold onto it so I can give the header and error message info to our sysop so he can see what the problem was.

There have been large changes to our email system as of late (bundling a lot of computers together), but that was the first problem I have heard. I'll pass it along.


[This message has been edited by Cliff Stamp (edited 15 September 1999).]