Hey GARTH!!!

Nov 17, 2003
Just wanted to say that I appreciate all that you do. I know you are a behind the scenes guy and work your bacon off everyday. You are a great guy and your work is highly appreciated. Just wanted to give you a long over due "Atta Boy".

This is serious. No brown nosin' or kissing up (Don't have anything on order or that I want :p ). Just a simple Thanks for your hard work. It doesn't go un-noticed.

Anyone who actively contributes to that which makes Busse what it is deserves to be recognized and celebrated from time to time! :thumbup:
Copy That guys!!!
To all the crew a mighty thanks for all that you do and have done. Outstanding Job...

Garth,"you da man" Bro.
This is the best & most beneficial post that I've seen in awhile. I've been lurking on this board for many years & felt this thread was finally important enough to contribute to.

I've become a pretty avid Busse buyer over the last four years, mainly at Knob Creek & some at Blade East. This fasination with Busse knives would not have happened if it had not been for meeting Garth at Knob Creek & the respect that I developed for him as a person & his talent. Even in the beginning when I was a nobody in the eyes of Busse, Garth always treated me with respect & took the time to answer all my questions.

So as to the theme of this thread I also give a big "ATTA BOY" to Garth.
This is the best & most beneficial post that I've seen in awhile. I've been lurking on this board for many years & felt this thread was finally important enough to contribute to.

I've become a pretty avid Busse buyer over the last four years, mainly at Knob Creek & some at Blade East. This fasination with Busse knives would not have happened if it had not been for meeting Garth at Knob Creek & the respect that I developed for him as a person & his talent. Even in the beginning when I was a nobody in the eyes of Busse, Garth always treated me with respect & took the time to answer all my questions.

So as to the theme of this thread I also give a big "ATTA BOY" to Garth.

Now THAT is a quality post. Thanks for sharing, KWR. :thumbup:

And kudos to you, Garth. When we meet, I'll buy ya a beer (or a shot of scotch).
Just wanted to say that I appreciate all that you do. I know you are a behind the scenes guy and work your bacon off everyday. You are a great guy and your work is highly appreciated. Just wanted to give you a long over due "Atta Boy".

This is serious. No brown nosin' or kissing up (Don't have anything on order or that I want :p ). Just a simple Thanks for your hard work. It doesn't go un-noticed.



Whatever you do, if you do it with passion ... that has to be your main reward.

Because you ARE going to get complaints.
I've been lurking on this board for many years & felt this thread was finally important enough to contribute to.

I've become a pretty avid Busse buyer over the last four years, mainly at Knob Creek & some at Blade East.

Take it in, boys. Stealth HOGs don't surface all that often.

And way to go, Garth.
Garth....I don't know about him sometimes.......I saw my wife slip him some money at Blade and 9 months later...I have a kid?!:eek:....or did he slip my wife the money:confused:

Anyway, he is always one of the best and most entertaining folks I have met and always has a place to stay if he ventures this far South:thumbup::thumbup:
Garth....I don't know about him sometimes.......I saw my wife slip him some money at Blade and 9 months later...I have a kid?!:eek:....or did he slip my wife the money:confused:

Anyway, he is always one of the best and most entertaining folks I have met and always has a place to stay if he ventures this far South:thumbup::thumbup:

At least the child support payments will come in the form of infi :D:thumbup:

Garth was the first to drink "Blue" from my flask at Blade '08.

JUst wouldn't be the same without the "Rex"

Anytime ya want to visit DC, remember, I have a bunker.:thumbup:
And kudos to you, Garth. When we meet, I'll buy ya a beer (or a shot of scotch).

Garth doesn't go for the usual Busse kool-aid, he's a tequila man. Which would be OK, but he makes a mixed drink of tequila and diet Mt. Dew. Really vile, even worse than Cobalt's mix of scotch and beer. :barf:
I'd like to add my thanks, too, Garth. You are a real asset to the Busse effort, and give stalwart support to the spirit of the Busse name. Here's to you for all you do.

Well I don't know.... I think I need to be allowed into the Busse factory for an audit of Garth and the scotch that is there :cool: :thumbup:
