Hey Guys

Mark Williams

Nov 28, 2000
I'm still alive.

I was playing around with the settings in my control panel of my computer for my monitor. I went into the adapter tab and changed the available setting to 16 bit to see what changes it might have on how pictures are displayed on my screen. Now my computer hangs up when it startss loading the operating system. That and I cant find the friggin software for the puter to reload it. Ahh the joys of moving :D

You guys please behave and dont give Mr Darrel a hard time. I'll check in once in a while when I go to town to use the library's puter. Once I find the box with my computer cd's I'll be back

Hey Mark,you might want to try booting up in Safe Mode before you go to the trouble of reformatting.It might not hang up in safe mode and give you a chance to return your settings to where you had them before.
On my puter to enter in safe mode I tap the f4 key contiously while its booting up.
Just A thought.
you aren't using that OS from Redmond, WA are you? What is it called? Holes? :) if so instead of re-installing it try a linux sys solid, stable, versetile. but that just be the computer geek in me talking

Good luck,