Hey!! I pulled off a Triple!!!!

Feb 1, 2002
Hah!! You thought I meant three Busses, didn't you?
Well, you're wrong, but I couldn't think of a better place for the story to be appreciated.

As of this date, I'm the only person I know capable of pulling the famed, much-coveted "Triple Stick."
"So Rainmaker," you say, "what the #$(*#& is a TRIPLE STICK???" :eek: :eek: :eek:

Allow me to explain.......

Last night, waiting for my wife to get home, I decided to have a second splash of Cognac. My perspective was a little off and it turned out to be a pretty healthy splash, but wait - I'm getting ahead of myself.

So I'm in the garage, the heater's fired up, I'm talking to a buddy on the phone, I've got a cigar going, I've got my glass in my hand, I've got the phone cradled between my ear and shoulder... and I decide to pull my LCC out of my pocket for a little opening practice.

Well you know, you can't have opening practice without a little pocket - to open - to reverse grip practice....

And this all went fine for quite awhile........

And then I decided to put the knife up.

And I went to flip it around to a standard grip so I could close it.....

And it slipped.......

And it sliced open my ring finger......

And it bounced out of my hand and it stuck me in the thigh.......

And it fell out of my thigh, and it hit me in the foot.....

In the instep.....

Through my hiking boot.....

Through my sock........

And it just stayed there. Standing straight up and quivering, like a great big Woody.

So I look at my finger and it's bleeding.....

And I look at my leg, and it's bleeding.....

And I look at my boot, and the knife standing straight up in my boot... er, in my FOOT....

And I say.....

"Oh man. This is gonna HURT."

............and I was right.

1/2" slice in my finger.
3/8" gash in my thigh.
1/4" cut in my foot. From looking at the blood-line on the knife, I'd say it's close to bone-deep.

Three wounds from one slip - can anyone top that?

(Sorry, no pix - I refuse to crawl on top of my scanner just so I can share. But you know, if I had just a little more cognac........)
ok rain, i would give the award to you... you did it fair and square and it probably won't cost any tax payers dollars.

damned good thing it wasn't a BM!:eek: it would have got your femor and your woody all in one slice:eek: :eek:
Not a 3 shot, but close. A few(ok, many) years ago, I was at a friend's house and we were partying pretty heartily. I was way into knives, even then, so I went out in the car and brought in my razor sharp Gerber MKII, double edged dagger. My buddy was sitting, nearly passed out in his recliner, in his shorts and with his legs crossed at the ankles. I went to hand him the knife, and dropped it. Yep, you guessed it. The point went straight into his foot, and the edge slashed across his ankle. I got one foot, and the ankle on the other leg. If he hadnt been so wasted, I really think he would have kicked my ass! Good thing he could barely stand up. :)
Noooooooooooo! Not Woody!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !

Oh, you mean this guy or something else?


Nasty things those LCC's!

R U Sure your name isn't Rainman?

Kennedy ain't got nothing on you his magic bullet doesn't compare to your magic knife:D
Originally posted by idahoskunk
....damned good thing it wasn't a BM!:eek: it would have got your femor and your woody all in one slice:eek: :eek:

Cant het me for this one! Skunk is owed the prize...:D
Bravo! It must have been the firewater you got from the crazy white man.:D :D

I've got a good. My grandfather gave me my first knife when I was seven and going into scouts/weebalos/whatever. He told me "David, this is sharp, don't cut yourself, I've sharpened it myself"

What does David do to test the sharpness? I run it across my four fingers. You guessed, I had a line of stitches across my fingers. Doh!

At least I wasn't 14 or 15, or I would have been in trouble! :D
Well, it only took one cut, but it was a bloody pisser! Took the left index clean off! 2 nurses, 2 orderly's and a doctor to hold me down while they gave me 19 locals (needles). 1 orderly copped it, the worst pain I have ever felt! 7 hrs of Micro surgery, fished the tendon back and put in a Ti knuckle. 7 years to get full movement back...and all on a Sunday afternoon! 8 weeks in plaster and all it cost me was $50. :) Damn I love the Aussie medical system. Pretty good surgeon too, hardly see the scar.:eek:

Reminds me of a lightning bolt... well, my wife does call me thunder..*pffftttttttttttttt*

Never 3 cuts, but once I was coming down this hill on my bike and wiped out. Both elbows, both knees, my head and my butt. Road rash hurts too.:D

Glad you didn't cut anything off!! Be careful!!:eek:
And the results are in !!!!





The winners will receive a top end First Aid kit and a book on how not to drink and do anything....
I did a double about 5 months ago. I was in my den and as I fired a Socom Elite that just arrived,it jumped out of my hand and cut a 1" slice into my left inner calf, and then preceeded to drop and cut a deep 3/4" slice right above my ankle, and then stuck straight up in the carpet.( I don't think that I can count the rug as a triple). The ankle cut was deep and I was bleeding dark red blood all across the floor until I was able to get to the bathroom to tend to my wounds. I probably should have gotten some stiches, but....
Now I've got 2 beautiful scars to remind me to be very careful when playing with sharp objects. :( :o
It could have been worse. I could have been firing my 45 and....:D :D
It was a mild sunny day, slight breeze from the east, everything was quite still really. The strret was fairly quiet for a Sunday, a few dogs could be heard barking in the distance, but other than that, a silverwing dove was about all else that made a sound.

I was working on my car and fitting some new mudflaps, but, due to lack of finding the right ones, had to trim the tops of them so as they would fit properly. I did try a stanley knife, I think you guys call them an exacto knife, but it simply broke due to the thickness of the material. I thought that my LMF would do a nicer job, so grabbed that and started to cut the rubber. But, I was cutting the wrong way! Towrds my hand!

..tune in...for the next episode of..."#$%^, darl! I just cut my @#$% finger off! Call the old man, quick!"


it hurt...it hurt alot. Hey, do you think I would take off in a writing career? ;)