Hey I wanted to order a knife !

What kind of code are you talking about?

Off the top of my head, I can think of two codes. They may or may not be associated with this particular retailer. One is your coupon code or a discount code. This code assures the retailer that you do indeed have a discount coupon and insures that you only use it as allowed.

The second in the last 3 numbers of the printed credit card number in the signature window, or on the face of the card. This number is printed only and is not raised. This insures that the purchaser actually has the card in his/her posession so that an unscrupulous person cannot use an "imprint" or reciept to place an order.

I know not of any other codes that would be associated with purchasing from 1SKS.

Perhaps Spark can enlighten us further.
well it has a place for a code . I would like to fine out where i can get a code . simply so i dont pay more then the next guy . !!!!
Not that i'm a penny pincher , but you get the idea!
Originally posted by MelancholyMutt
A guy with the initials TTO has stuff for sale... real cheap... slightly used...
TTO (aka a million other "names"), STILL owes me $20, so that ISN'T funny.:mad:.
From what I can see, it is a coupon code. I have never seen a 1SKS coupon, but I would guess that if you received one it would have a number on it. You would enter that number in the box and receive the coupons discount. You obviously don't have one of these coupons so you don't have a number to put in that box.

If you have questions about these coupons, I recommend that you contact 1SKS and get clarification.