Hey now...

It is that. It will take some getting used to, but anything new usually does. I'm having a problem with old posts where I posted pictures and now live links to the picture are appearing instead of the picture itself...time will tell...

New software seems alright, i'm thinking about the timezone settings though.
My should be GMT +/- 1h, but if i use EST then it'll be easier to catch chat in time :)

D'ya think that there will be any problems by using the wrong timezone??
Hey Don, i get confused anyway so that's cool... ;)

Have you seen this? :Perrins stuff! check out the "sucette" or the "stylet", cooool stuff! goes with the "cloak and dagger" poststuff in the JSP forum.
Nice toys...

Dayam! Man, those sure are nice, there are like four or five different little spike thangs, but...what a price tag. They are very sneaky, OSS/SOE-types of devices...more deadly in CQC than alot of people understand either...(fact).

I have to get Bill Siegle to work again, he made me a beautiful copy of an OSS/SOE Sleeve Dagger, and it is much better than the originals were. In other words, it is actually capable of being sharpened to a razor sharp edge instead of, "just sharp."

I had him chisel grind it so it will lie flat. Better than the originals in that way as well.

It is in the Link in the Signature Line, have you seen it?

I just updated the Cloak & Dagger Thread in the JSP Forum, check it out. Neat stuff, thanks for the heads up.

Don, checked it out, VERY cool!

To me they are mostly gadgets, i don't think that i'll carry anything more stealthy then a 'griffe and a JSP credit card blade :)
I once had 3 throwing knives in the x-act same shape...little did i know then that the OSS frisk knife looked like that, actually i was so young that i probably didn't even know that there had been an OSS!

VERY nice collection of pic's you've got there, i like :) Mr. X makes good looking stuff, really like those sheaths he made up for the cat claws, and the photos from CS catalogs are darn cool :)

Got the link from fellow country man colinz, good guy! (he says hi)
The prices are pretty cheap 200 french francs equals a little less than $26 so all the coll spiky things are under a hundred bucks. The question becomes will they ship to the US and will customs allow them in. I am going to email them to find out. I'll let you know what happens.
Dumbass me, I thought that was already converted funds! I saw one price, the high one, then saw "The Euro," and figured that was the "European Price" period.

If they are under $100.00, they're great! Actually, in all honesty, at about $150.00 they would be cool because that is about how much Pat Crawford will charge you for a polished Devil Dart. The bead-blasted ones range in price with size.

Pat Crawford has also done his large Devil Darts "twisted," that he heats up and twists, that's wicked. A spiral twist done to a large Crawford D-Dart is awesome...
I like the "PIC A LANCER"


According to my favorite Currency Convertor, 400 FF is $51.71 currently.

(For those wanting to do thier own conversions 1 FF is .13 USD)

(Oh for Jonas, 1 FF is 1.4 SEK) :D

You know, I would get a couple of those different models in the future, except for the possibility that some Customs Agent would drop it on the desk and say, "Yeah, it's a Gravity Knife alright...hit the desk when dropped as expected..."
I've got a unique Perrin piece on the way. Should be here tomorrow. I'll be sure to post some pics. Besides,....we just bought a new digital camera today and I'm looking forward to trying it out. Olympus 510. :)

Perrin makes cool spooky stuff. My collection is really becoming geared toward his more unique pieces like the ones you guys have been discussing here.