HI 15-16" Blade - Which model to get?

Sep 21, 2006
I just received a WWII MkIII model from those other guys and it is very comfortable in my medium size hand. If both makers interpret and produce the WWII the same way, you may like the WWII very much. From what I have read, the WWII is a very popular model becasue it can be a useful took as well as a weapon. I don't have any experience with the other models you mentioned.

I also am not recommending Tora over HI....just talking about the WWII model here.

I believe HI site says the 15 inch AK is their most popular model. There must be a reason for that.

Good luck with your choice.

15-16" cak would be a good choice if you like the chiruwa handle :)
if not may i also suggest a 15-16" BGRS :thumbup:

EDIT: ive grown quite fond of my wwII villager also...
its seems to be a very nice general camp knife if you prefer something of light weight....
but i would definitely pack a 15-16" cak or BGRS if moderate to heavy chopping is in mind :D
I've only got a limited selection, but I LOVE my 18" WWII villager and 15" BAS villager.
I've got a 20" AK, and I honestly prefer using the WWII and BAS over it.

I'd start with the BAS or WWII and go from there. Both are very affordable, and you won't be dissapointed
Another vote for the 15" AK; it always does depend on the weight. A light 15" AK (mine's 23 oz.) trumps the BAS or WWII- IMHO, anyways.

I've only got a baby AK and a 21oz BAS, I really like the BAS, I've given a couple as presents.

It's a great camp knife, not too heavy, and it's a good chopper for anything I want to do.
The 15" AK is a great choice, as is the 16.5" WWII. Hard to go wrong with either.
Thanks for the advice!

Sounds like it is either the 15" Ang Khola or the Chiruwa Ang Khola. I think I would go with the AK since it is a slightly smaller blade (CAK is closer to the 18" AK I had).
My 18" AK is a little large for me to use as a user. And so I was considering getting something a tad smaller in length, although I do like the thickness of the 18" AK. From what I can see the choices are...
1. 15 inch Ang Khola
2. Chiruwa Ang Khola (16-17")
3. British Army Service
4. 16.5 inch WWII

Also, the Carved, Silver Mounted Ang Khola (15") looked interesting. Is this one worth the extra money over a 15" AK?

Any advice on which model to purchase?

IMO, you really need the whole list. But, if I had to pick one for a carry khuk its the BAS every time. Perfect balance of form and function for hikes JMHO.
The HI 16.5" WWll is going to carry easier and be a little better balanced to my mind than the Chiruwa AK, but the CAK will hit much harder, has the break it and get two in replacement warranty, and has many many fans. Raghorn always swore it out chopped the 18" AK. Keep in mind it's going to weigh 28 ounces or so, the WWll being a little lighter.
