HI dha or espada set? what do you think?

Dec 6, 2005
i have been looking all over for a good espada set, or a unique dha. i have the damascus one from valiantco, and am in the process of getting one from cozun. but knowing the quality and swords of HI, i would love to know what a HI one would look like, feel etc.
the only espada set that i was thinking of getting was the kris cutlery one, but HI again popped into my head, "hmm, wonder what a bit of carving on the handle would be like, or a kukri style sheath..?"
anybody ever ordered anything like that from HI?

wicca100uk said:
i have been looking all over for a good espada set, or a unique dha. i have the damascus one from valiantco, and am in the process of getting one from cozun. but knowing the quality and swords of HI, i would love to know what a HI one would look like, feel etc.


Chris a lot of folks have talked about a Dha but no one has come forth with a model and it hasn't been done. Uncle Bill used to say if we could get 6 takers for something and a model that he would try to get it made.
I don't know what Yangdu's policy might be.
You could email her and ask, be sure and send a picture along with your inquiry.;)
I would love to get a HI dha. The problem is that in addition to getting HI's quality, we would probably also get HI's tendency to overbuild. This would probably result in a very heavy sword similar to the Tarwar. So unless someone creates a model and provides specs, trying to get a dha made would probably be more trouble than its worth.
kamagong said:
So unless someone creates a model and provides specs, trying to get a dha made would probably be more trouble than its worth.

Kamagong that has been the consensus up 'till now.

Yangdu and consequently HI and the kamis and all concerned in the direct production of the very light HI Foxy Folly lost money on the project according to what munk has said and I'm assuming he got the information from Yangdu.
It may be that Yangdu won't wish to tackle another knife that out of necessity needs to be on the light side but that may depend on the amount of takers for the project.
I'm reasonably certain that most if not all special runs from now on will be pre-paid.
Uncle Bill experienced non-takers way too many times after ordering enough knives for everyone that said, "Count me in, I'll take one for sure!" When the knives came in I think it was less than half that ponied up.:(
i have asked yangdu already. i sent her pics of the kris cutlery one and also links to its stats (espada y daga set), and same with the cozzun site dha. as i have already ordered a wakizashi sized one from cozun, i would lean more towards a espada set from HI. would be very unique, and to have a nice beefy espada! i like things overbuilt, im not fond of thin blades. yangdu quoted a price of $195 dollars for each sword i think, imnot sure, i emailed her again to clarify.

I would also like a Dha. I would like a modern working replica of what I have that was brought back from WWII. It is a thin and very handy machety like knife with no frills. I can provide specifications and pictures if needed.

Thanks, Steve
I have a Paul Chen Banshee

and would just love to have an antique dha but I just don't think a HI dha would be too good an idea.
First there's too much compitition to make it profitable with the Banshee and the Thai forge (Cozin).
Secondly the dha isn't really simular to anything the kami have made before and it is questionable if they would produce something satisfactory to the dha-phille - remember the custom bowie?

See also the thread at SFI

Antonio Cejunior has had some modern intrepetation of dha designed at well:
earlier design
newer blade
with fittings.

I can, however see HI competing with success against the Kriss Cutlery Espada & Dagger.
One of the great values of this forum is right around the corner appears another thread that ends up with a variety of impressive posts.
oh my...need a tissue, im salivating over that new dha! anyway, i have ordered one from cozun, but will take about 5 weeks as the one i ordered isnt in stock they say. i oredered a short one, plain wood. strange thing is, i have been exchanging emails with yangdu asking if she could ask the kamis, if they could make an espada y daga set, or a dha. last time i emailed, she said "they were already been made". i havent paid anything up front, so i am a bit confused about why she has gone ahead and made them. have emailed her again asking for clarification. the dha she priced at $195, and the espada at $145. i just love dhas, darbs and filipino blades!

wicca100uk said:
oh my...need a tissue, im salivating over that new dha! anyway, i have ordered one from cozun, but will take about 5 weeks as the one i ordered isnt in stock they say. i oredered a short one, plain wood. strange thing is, i have been exchanging emails with yangdu asking if she could ask the kamis, if they could make an espada y daga set, or a dha. last time i emailed, she said "they were already been made". i havent paid anything up front, so i am a bit confused about why she has gone ahead and made them.
It isn't the first time Auntie Yangdu has suprised someone:D :D
wicca100uk said:
have emailed her again asking for clarification. the dha she priced at $195, and the espada at $145.
Oh, my! I may have just wet myself.
wicca100uk said:
i just love dhas, darbs and filipino blades!

Oh my gosh, Phillipino blades are facinating. I have a bunch of talibong (most that I need to reseat the hilts) but what I want most is a barong. Talibong, as I'm sure you know, are sharpened only on one side as are many Scandianavian blades. BTW Steve Ferguson is quite a Phillipine blade collector.
Hi Yvsa:

My interest is in a working Dha/Dao. Not a pretty sword type. I can furnish better pictures and specifications on the old originals I own. At the risk of boring you to tears, they are at the bottom of the first page of my website:


Ignore the rest of the site. I would buy one if HI made it available.

Thanks, Steve
Steve Poll said:
Hi Yvsa:

My interest is in a working Dha/Dao. Not a pretty sword type.

Thanks, Steve

I'm starting to catch the bug too but don't know if I'll be able to swing one due to some other things I want.
Let's wait and see what Miss Yangdu has cooked up according to what Wicca said. It'll be interesting to see what comes flying in.:thumbup: :cool:
well, i didnt give her any per se. i went to thekris cultery website and gave her the pic and links to the espada y daga -www.kriscutlery.com, and for the dha the www.cozun.com site, when i emailed her again asking of she had asked the kamis, i found she was making them already. im not sure why she went ahead and made them, when i havent paid for anything yet, but she said she will post pics when they are done...must have been enough on the site for her already to extract what she needed.
