hi! it be me, vg!!

Vampire Gerbil

Gone, but not forgotten. RIP Dave
Platinum Member
Sep 21, 1999
good evening it is i, the formerly great and powerful vampire gerbil.

if you remember how i used to type you're lookin' at this thinkin' i type like a retarded mongoose. ok, ok, i know that i've had more than a passing mentality as the afore mentioned aminal.... but i can only type with my right hand(apparently the right side of my brain hath exploded) i also have a separated left shoulder so moving my left arm kinda hurts a lot for some weird reason all 5 fingers on my left hand feel like they're broked. so if i look like i don't remember how to capitalize or something have no fear it's just a brainial shoulderistical problem!

oh!!! the other day i was playing with a sebenza someone sent me and i stabbed myself in the leg. wasn't a bad stab, really, but cuz of the blood thinners i take cuz of the stroke i lost about a quart or sso. the ambulamps people cme by twice and the second time they drove me to my doctor's office. i got 3 stitches ( sorry didn't have a camera lik this time: http://www.vampiregerbil.com/kerambitten/

anyhow i got 3 stitches and removed 'em with the same sebenza
am i cool or what?

in the hopsicle i got showered by pretty nurses, but i had to take care of my own naughty bits.

anyhow thaks to everyone for he support and this cool computor i ain't never seen one this small! it's the size of a portable CD player!!!

thank you thank you thaank you!!!!!!!

hugs, screams and primal growlingly yours i remain a brain damaged vampire gerbil
I am honored to be the first to welcome you back, Oh Honored Winged One!
New Joisey hasn't been the same without you. Not that I ever go there, but when I look out my window it looks different.....it's even dark there, now.

Keep on getting better, type with the good hand and remember...
Keep the blood in!
haaha, nice to see you back around here man ;) glad everything worked out over there.
Great to see the great rodent of fang and wing is back. I can now cower in fear for good reason.

Welcome back VG.
What? It's true? Really? The undead rodent is actually, er.....how to put his.....not actually dead???


Hey Dave, Glad to see you back in action. There's hope for your shoulder. When my Mom had her popped aenurysm, her shoulder hurt real bad too. It still bugs ehr a bit two years later, but not nearly as much.

Welcom back VG.

I'm glad your back!!! We missed you, buddy!!! :D :D :D
I prostrate before the once powerful and great Vampire Gerbil. Even the smirk on your face can destroy the most arrogant among us.
Nice to know you haven't checked out of Heartbreak Hotel yet. I am very glad to know that the fire in the belly has not been extinguished. Thank God, my prayers have not gone unanswered. VP is well on the road to recovery and he's not taking lightly friends who have unknowingly ignored him in the past few months. :D :D
Great to know that you are among friends now, isn't it? We are all happy to note that VP may have been shot in the arm but there's nothing wrong with his heart, head or the other arm.
See ya around, buddy!! :) :) ;) :cool:
Well, what an amazing day this has been for me.

Someone named Mr. Rodriques has $168,000 for me. I've been approved for a $450,000 Mortgage at 1.6%. The Oil Minister of Nigeria is wiring $36,000,000 into my account. I can spend some of my new-found wealth on the doctoral degree I've always wanted and have now been recognized with. My new X-Box is ready to ship... I don't have a TV set to put it on, but that's no problem because I won a 42" plasma panel TV. There's a lonely housewife within five miles of my house who wants to meet me. Coincidentally, I've been qualified for free Viagra. And, best of all Vampire Gerbil is back on the forum!

VG, we've really missed you. I realize that you've been through hell lately and I'm really glad to see that things are starting to turn up. I hope you know that everyone on bladeforums, all 28,000 of us, are pulling for you.

It is really great to have you back!

Don't worry about the typing. It is still better than mine usually is!

You have definitely been missed!

Many Many people have been pulling for you.

It hasn't been the same without you!
Welcome back VG. BF wasn't the same without you. Do you think the doctors realize that what they think is brain damage is just the effects of long term exposure to bladeforums?