HI sales increase and UK supply

Feb 13, 2002
Hi Uncle Bill

I just had a brainwave on how you can increase sales. HI khukuris are very well prices but the international shipping charges are a bit steep (well worth it though, dont get me wrong). Is it not possible to get a shipment to the UK instead of straight to USA and then supply Europe and UK direct. Have someone act as an agent for you here. Might decrease overall costs and the more khukuris there are out there the more people will see them and want them.
We had a dealer in the UK but all UK customers told me his prices were too high. There are other problems, too.

Thanks for good idea but not right now.
All you do is keep the most popular Khuks handy and when someone orders tell them they can get it from X. keep prices the same and add local postage. Get someone to do the work for you. I would be willing to do it free of charge if it would help HI.
Absolutely no disrespect, Brendan, but people don't just buy HI because of the great, cheap knives; people buy HI because of Uncle Bill. They know that they can trust him absolutely for the best service anywhere.

Far as I'm concerned, that's worth the extra 20 UKP I pay for shipping
I understand that, after dealing with Uncle Bill I realise this and have the utmost respect for the man. I dont want to interfere or to sound irritating, I just want help Uncle, teh kamis and HI.
Many thanks for kind words and generous offers. Right now it is better for Reno to the the distribution center.
We take all the help we can get and are thankful to get it. And we give serious consideration to all offers of help and are thankful to get these, too!