HI Special Projects Teaser

Oct 28, 2000
As regular HI forumites know, there are any number of special projects being created by the talented kamis of BirGhorka and 2001 is just around the corner.

So, for those of you who do have special projects in the works, this is your opportunity to tease the rest of us mercilessly with anticipated 2001 arrivals.

The details, please!


We are still waiting for Nara to do something. We have the HI rendition of the village models which BirGorkha seems to have forgotten. We have YCS and the plain YCS on order. We are waiting for Kumar Kardas, JKM-1s, Katanas and kothimodas. We have some special orders we are trying to get done. What else? Oh, yes. I'm sold out of WWII models both sizes. Waiting on Hanumans, Garud AKs, silver mounted AKs with carved handle. Have I missed anything?

Blessings from the computer shack in Reno.

Uncle Bill
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Well there is the HI Tomahawk project, the HI Tin Chiarra based on John Pwell's old one, and then if anyone may be interested I have a full size drawing of a Golok that a forumite was good enough to send me.

A fully forged Golok would make a mighty fine example of a HI machete type of blade with an exotic country's overtones.


Each person's work is always a portrait of himself.

---- Samuel Butler.

Khukuri FAQ
Himalayan Imports Website
Yvsa, I would like to see it.
sloober sloober drool!

Custom Toys For Big Boys!
Colt 45 Auto Customs
Greetings from the GunMan
I'm planning to order a khukuri modeled after this villager:


It will be 25" overall. The handle will be 5 1/2" light-colored hill walnut plus habaki bolster and scrolled buttcap (the original buttcap was machined out of solid brass, so another one will be out of the question). The rest of the length will be blade. The blade will be at least 9/16" thick and 2 5/8" at its widest point. Though the original doesn't appear to be fullered, I'll probably have the blade fullered or lightened some other way since the handle will be relatively small (part of this khuk's beauty, IMHO).

Bob that's one reasn I like the villagers so much; the shorter handles.
What you've described will make one helluva khukuri and with a nice fuller(s) it will be much lighter than a solid one 9/16" thick.
And with that nice curve I bet you will find it performs much better as well.
Looing forward to reading a review when you get the khukuri.

I think Uncle Bill said once that this was one of Yangdu's favorite khukuri's.


Each person's work is always a portrait of himself.

---- Samuel Butler.

Khukuri FAQ
Himalayan Imports Website
Maybe we can all chip in and get Uncle Bill a good used Bridgeport for modifying khukuri butt caps and bolsters?

Just tzn Bro.


Each person's work is always a portrait of himself.

---- Samuel Butler.

Khukuri FAQ
Himalayan Imports Website
25 years ago I had TWO Bridgeports for sale. Very nice ones too, and just the thing for the decrepit old engineer out of the slipstick and get a bigger hammer age ( yes, there are still a few dinosaurs around ).

None of them newfangled CNC metric garbage, strictly from back when real machinists set the things up using the "hair" ( from the head ), the "---- hair" ( from where it's soft and curly ), and the "red ---- hair" as the standard gauge to "fine", "finer", and "finest".
Little Bro I have a brass hammer calibrated in *****hair's.


One time I was working at new shop and you know there always has to be the kid who asks really dumb questions. I was weighing my very large bronze hammer because the boss wanted one just a bit lighter. This kid came by and wanted to know why I was weighing it. I told him it was calibrated in *****hairs and if it lost any material from hitting on something it needed to be recalibrated and that's why I was weighing it.

He spread it all around the shop that I had a calibrated hammer and much to his surprise the rest of the guys did so as well.

That wasn't nearly as bad as the material stretcher that was always needed when you saw that you were going to be short on material for a job.


Each person's work is always a portrait of himself.

---- Samuel Butler.

Khukuri FAQ
Himalayan Imports Website
Yvsa, you're right about Yangdu liking this khuk. That was the only reason Bill took a picture of it. I'm glad he did too.

Rusty, I have made furniture off and on for 20 years, and we use the same units of measurement
But in furniture making, being only off by a red one was usually ok

Yvsa, the last 2 places I worked we used to send the "new guy" (usually a kid) in search of the "board stretcher". We had it down to an art. The first person would send him to person B and person B would tell him he saw it over in person C's area. Person C would send him to person D. Person D would ask him if he needed the standard or the metric one.
He would go back to the original guy and ask which one. We would all be absolutely stonefaced. Some guys would figure it out after a couple times, others would go on for a half hour....The best one of all was when the owners' smartmouthed kid worked with us one summer....that dimwit went around for almost an hour, ....then he was so frustrated he went up to daddy's office and asked him where it was........we kinda got in trouble for that one but it was well worth it.

I miss being in a wood shop, but for health reasons I had to bail out (too dusty for my asthmatic old lungs).

[This message has been edited by rdnzl (edited 12-28-2000).]
And that is what the Cantina's about to me. A place where they understand you and still let you hang around anyhow.
IIRC, Harry, you had at least one special hush hush project in the works.
Do YOU care to share any details?


He who finishes with the most toys wins.
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by bcaffrey:
IIRC, Harry, you had at least one special hush hush project in the works.
Do YOU care to share any details?


Brian, I do have several irons in the fire, but until the good folks of BirGhorka finish, I am bound to keep my lips closed and fingers off the keyboard

I understand, Harry, but I'm still very curious to see what will turn up.

Speaking of special projects, your thread prompted me to finally post some pics of the 12" Sirupati that I modified.


He who finishes with the most toys wins.

[This message has been edited by bcaffrey (edited 01-04-2001).]