High point vs. drop point for BLGoode knife

Dec 24, 2004
Well, I've been lurking around here for a while, and thought I'd finally make my presence known with a quick question:

I can't decide between the high-point or drop-point tip for my custom BLGoode knife. Primary use is for general camping and backpacking duties. Can anyone with first-hand experience explain if there's much difference in function between the two tips? My current hiking/camp knife is a Benchmade Rant drop-point, and although it slices well, I've developed a dislike for the rather extreme (IMHO) drop point.

If it matters at all, the plan is a 5" blade, 3.16" thickness, 01 steel.

Cheers eh,

Vancouver, BC
Why not ask Mr. Goode for his opinion and why?

Good choice BTW. That knife he has pictured in his sig line just makes me drool.

A really high point like this :


is stronger for heavy digging/prying in wood, and much nicer for heavy batoning and the baton tends to just glance off of drop points.

Drop points are much nicer for fine work as they are thinner and are more inline with the handle, do some stabbing with both and the accuracy is way higher with an in-line drop.

If I am carrying a smaller blade and the larger blade is more towards heavier work I like the inline point, for a more all around blade, 7" in size I like the drop point.

I think ti comes down to what gear you'll have with you along with the BLGoode knife (great choice!)

If you'll have a finer pointed knife with you (Opinel, Spyderco Ednura, whatever), then go with a higher point.

If thsi will be the one and only vlade you'll have, then go with more of a point.
Was about to ask the same question :)

So a high point has that big belly look?

Like the one on the bottom? (I like it best :P)-
dang this is an old thread.

Time has evolved the pattern into a 1 point option and a slightly larger knife :) I didnt really see where the high point outweighed the need for a traditional drop point so I just make the pattern the way you see it now.


Time has also evolved into not being able to get one in a decent amount of time. I am holding off on new orders untill I slim down my 2 year wait time.
Was about to ask the same question :)

So a high point has that big belly look?

Like the one on the bottom? (I like it best :P)-
of course personalised versions can be made :) The beauty of hand made :)