Ho Ho Ho... just found out my girlfriend has been cheating on me...Ho Ho Ho


Registered User
Jul 24, 2004
I just found out that my girlfriend has been cheating on me and one thing keeps going through my head...

...did Jerry say those extravaganza purchases will ship within 10 days ... or was it 2 weeks!!! :eek:

Merry Christmas to all!
Merry Christmas, Dunner....

Never look back, dude.... Keep your eye on the trough !!! :eek: :D
Dunner said:
I just found out that my girlfriend has been cheating on me and one thing keeps going through my head...

...did Jerry say those extravaganza purchases will ship within 10 days ... or was it 2 weeks!!! :eek:

Merry Christmas to all!

Ahhhh, you caught her fondling you INFI when she thought you weren't home eh?? :eek: Merry Christmas
From my readings online, the morally correct thing to do in this situation is to post naked pictures of her.
Sheesh man... Give me a heart attack. I thought you were going to say she ran off with your infi too. :eek:

My prescription: Strap on your favorite piece of infi and head to the local mall. There will be TONS of single women running around :D

Merry Christmas
Is that a Busse Battle Mistress E in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me :eek:
Seein' (from your profile) as how you're an outdoors type an' all I 'm sure you're already well aware of what I'm about to say, but it helped alot during the aftermath of going through a divorce after just shy of 30 years of marriage.......

The sun still comes up in the east every morning, with frightening regularity........
and the boys an' girls at Busse still keep servin' up them INFIburgers done up just like we like 'em! :D

Hang in there.....the "Silly Season's" almost over!!!:rolleyes:
Now....about those pics!:eek: ;)

Larry S.:cool:
FoxholeAtheist said:
From my readings online, the morally correct thing to do in this situation is to post naked pictures of her.

Yeap!! Thats the only correct thing to do. Post the ;) m pictures
If you are gonna post those pics, just do it over in the Pirates Cove....

Then let me know they're there.

Hope our levity helps man, it is intended to....

thatmguy said:
If you are gonna post those pics, just do it over in the Pirates Cove....Then let me know they're there.
you know ham is wrong, he just wants his job to be easier, post them here, let him get hard about it and move them, then we have a busse picture hunt and try to find them!! fun fun!!

i still have posts he hasn't found yet, the best way is to go back and edit an old post, then send out a private email to a few and have them spread the word. it's kind of a contest to see who can get away with it for the longest time.

trust me, mike loves this kind of stuff, makes his day :D :D
damned! see he's always on the alert...

like a hog rooting out truffles, he can smell trouble even if it's masked with essence of skunk scent :)
I knew I could count on all of you for some "help"! ;) Thank you very much :)

What a cool and hilarious group! I've got it easy (may not have been as bad as I thought but I will get that figured out soon enough).

No pain or sacrifice in my life could come close to what our troops are going through over in Iraq. Christmas wishes go out to them.

I get to spend Christmas with the family which is awesome. I hope you all get to share Christmas with those dear to you.

Merry Christmas :cool:
Dunner, Sorry to hear about the gal trouble. Been there, done that, got the scars to show for it. As Willie Dixon once said, "As long as there is one man and one woman on earth, SOMEBODY gonna have da Blues."

NervousXtian was right: more $$ for INFI. :D

Dunner said:
I hope you all get to share Christmas with those dear to you.
Yep........my Busse Basic 5. ;) :D
RokJok said:
As Willie Dixon once said, "As long as there is one man and one woman on earth, SOMEBODY gonna have da Blues."

mo' $$ fo' mo' INFI!
you can always count on willie dixon!

dunner- shake it off bro.
i always got a deep feeling of satisfaction from bangin' their friends...
i dunno.
You mean the fugly ones that always get pawned off on your wingman? :D