Holiday over. 3 deals for 1/21/3. Pix -- poor but take a look.

Mar 5, 1999
top -- Excellent 17.5" 2 pound M43 by Kumar. Convex edge and finish is one of the best I've seen to date. Only problem with this 10/10 rig is buttcap is missing. Use it as is or take file and some sandpaper, maybe a little epoxy, and pretty up the end of handle. Yours for $100 and an UBBB because of configuration and quality.

center -- 17.5 inch 23 ounce by Bura and company. His idea of what an M43 should really be. Usual superior work by Bura. Great blade (sharp, near 60 Rc) and fine overall rig. Problem, this knife took a hit somewhere along the line. I think it may have been dropped by BirGorkha shipping staff. Tiny ding (hard to see but it's there) in chopping area. Leave and use or straighten if you see it. Handle chipped backside. Fill or smooth or use as it. $100 delivers this winner to your door.

bottom -- 10/10 15 inch 22 ounce BAS by Bura. Only problem I can find is 1/4 inch superglue fix crack in handle at buttcap. Take it home for $60


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That Bura M43 is almost an M43i, lacks only the AK-like fuller. And a horn-handled M43 [whimper] What a polish! :eek:
The finish on the Kumar M43 is astounding. You can't get a better finish than this no matter what kind of equipment you're using.
Email sent on the Kumar M43. It's going to my son who just made the first week cut (RAP WEEK) for Ranger School.

Hey btice, I used that particular M43 and the balance on it is excellent. Any Ranger would love it:) .
Great! I am going to give it to him at graduation. Skeletor, did you use it in the Army?

Originally posted by btice
Email sent on the Kumar M43. It's going to my son who just made the first week cut (RAP WEEK) for Ranger School.


A princely gift!
He will be the envy...and he'll deserve it after what he'll go through. Beoram, I want to jazz it up a little (not that it needs it) by having a custom handle and scabbard made. Can you suggest anyone...Sarki, perhaps?

I'm very interresting by the BAS but I have some little question
I want to know if you send it to france because I live in france.
I want to know if this BAS is also warranty life time.
and also I want to know if you can tell me how I can order it,
I know you have made a message but I don't understand pretty well english and I don't understand the way to order.

and if it is possible I want to know if you have a photo of the default, because I want to see it before to order

thanks a lot for your answer.
Drymarchon-- e-mail Uncle Bill at and tell him you want the BAS. As far as I know, all HI khukuris are guaranteed for life, even the blemishes. Uncle Bill will be able to tell you for sure. I haven't seen the crack on the handle, but my BAS had a small crack in the handle also, and superglue fixed it no problem.
Have our own Sarki Shop do it & have Sandi make a cover for it!! They can't be beat,bar none! I know & Army Sniper that grinned when he got something they did!
Originally posted by btice
He will be the envy...and he'll deserve it after what he'll go through. Beoram, I want to jazz it up a little (not that it needs it) by having a custom handle and scabbard made. Can you suggest anyone...Sarki, perhaps?


Terry is very good, but I don't know if he is accepting any work at this time or not. If not, perhaps he knows someone who would?
Originally posted by beoram
Terry is very good, but I don't know if he is accepting any work at this time or not. If not, perhaps he knows someone who would?

I just e-mailed him this week, and he said that he is not taking any orders right now due to a full time job. You might want to contact him anyway to see if he will be taking any new orders, or as Beoram suggested, he might know someone else who could do the work.
btice, no I didn't use the M43 in the Army, I'm still in High School unfortunately. I just assumed that any fighting man would find this knife to his liking. When I got it I swung it around a little bit and assumed that it was much lighter then my WW2. WW2 weighed 27ounce and M43 weighed 30 (Bill has it on 2 lbs, maybe my scale is off). I was impressed with the knife but I didn't want to pay $145 on a M43 and then fix something wrong with it. Hopefully the replacement BAS won't have any problems. The refunded $45 will of course go toward another Khukri.