"Home Away from Home."

May 18, 1999
Bill I feel that with your post "Just a reminder." you were making a reinforcement of what you seem to feel that the issue with Rust was about free speech.

I'm posting this to once again try to make it understood that the issue with Rust has never been about Free Speech!!!!

You have also made a few other posts that seem to be a reinforcement of the same subject. ie....

"Herobuilder stock just went up in my book because they had the guts to print the hate mail!

There are always going to be the Jane Fonda types to test our souls."

"We are certainly the poorer if we try to censor any opinion or viewpoint."

Tom Holt wrote:
"Now if these guys made a version of the Blair doll in wax, I'd buy that ("Pins sold separately...")"

And in reply you wrote:
Isn't it nice to be able to say things like that, Tom!!!!!!!!

My issue with Rust was not nor ever has it been about "Free Speech."

Let me put it another way so that maybe you will understand what I mean about the situation Not Being about Free Speech. For almost 3 years this forum has been my home away from home. A place that I could come to, kick back, take off my shoes and relax among family and friends, as well as a place to discuss subjects that were controversial and generally taboo in a friendly way. I have learned a great deal about other's culture's and belief's as well as viewpoints and I feel that's made me a better person, even changing my mind about some things.
I've even designed a couple of knives that I've watched others get to enjoy as much as myself and that made me feel really good and a real part of the H.I.Forum my "Home Away from Home."
Then one day this so called human being, not even an American, comes in here and starts telling us how things should be and that we should, "get over it.", speaking about the 911 Massacre.
Well this being my home away from home I wasn't gonna take that kind of $hit from anyone!!!!
I damned sure wouldn't take it from anyone that came into my home and any person that had the audacity to do such a thing would have his A$$ kicked out the door and told to never darken my door again.
Any person doing such a thing as that would instantly be my enemy, Granted the person has the right to say any damn thing they want to. However They Do Not Have The Right To Say Such $hit In My Home.
Like I've said again and again, "It was never about free speech."

Here's another way to look at the whole situation concerning Rust that hopefully includes everyone here instead of just myself.
In my opinion it is wrong to be "defending free speech" when that
right is used to deliberately interfere with what is both a social and
business operation.
Rust's intrusion is exactly the same as if a thug had started a fight in a friendly, neighborhood "mom and pop" bar, and then came back for seconds.
It makes absolutely no difference to me whether Rust believes in his position or not. He is entitled to anything he wishes to believe. He is NOT entitled to use it as a battering ram, nor to shove it down someone else's throat and especially Not My Throat!!!!

I'm not real smart about a whole lotta things, but I do know that these forums wouldn't have the means to banish someone who doesn't want to play nice if that option wasn't needed and meant to be used. To me it's the same reason our country, Our Wonderful FREE Country has laws to deport those who are not citizens and who are here only to cause mayhem or to incite.
I wasn't the only one on his a$$ the first time he came in here fomenting his pacifist ideas and telling us to, "get over it."
Nor was I the only one this last time.

Please try to take no offense.

But this is why I cannot really say I like forums, because of personal flame wars, which I am hardly interested in, and the resulting noise which has nothing to do with the original subject (Khukuries). Because there is valuable information, but at a dilution of 1 per a thousand.

Do not misread me, I am not interested into taking side.

I have found this forum VERY frustrating, in the past few weeks, because as a European I generally totally disagree with most political military and american citizen opinions I read here, not to talk about the american supremacist talks I have read, and they make me jump to the roof. But I agreed to disagree. Not point into trying to convert anybody to my views, or even explain why it makes me jump. Different cultures, different views.

But I do not see the point to restart a war on a topic that was long buried.

This said, I have said what I felt I needed to, and attacks, denials, comments or approvals will be met by silence.

It's good to see you back.

The incident reminded me just how lucky we are to have these freedoms and we need reminding from time to time less we get complacent.

I understand and respect your position and felt your responses were appropriate and I think everybody on the forum feels the same.

However, as moderator I try to fulfill that duty and obligation in the best way I know how. As I mentioned, it's not aways what you want to do but what you feel you have to do. I made a judgment call, maybe right or maybe wrong, but if I err I would rather err going overboard about the defense of these freedoms than err in being lax in their defense. Perhaps these strong feelings disqualify me from being a decent moderator. It's that Jane Fonda story all over again. I'd grit my teeth, hand her the microphone, and insert the plugs in my ears.

I have never banned anybody and don't know if I have the authority to do so. I have censored a few posts -- maybe a half dozen in 80000 -- and I hope I never have to censor another or ban anybody.
Someone took the word a_ _ _ _ _ e out of one of my posts.

Munk, the forum software has some "censorship" built into it.
You cannot, for example, type the common English 4 letter word for defecation, nor the one that rhymes with truck. Uncle didn't do it.

--Mike L.
I'm glad I didn't know about all this mess at the time, I am having a little anger management problem myself since the terrorist attack on 9-11. That said, if someone takes as their user name a corrosive chemical reaction that is destructive to steel and iron, on a forum devoted to high quality knives, perhaps we can infer some prior intent?
See my email address: "russlate@gbis.com"!

And my email heading is "Russell L. Slate".

"Rusty" is the nickname from hell that I tried to stamp out for 25 years. Hard to do when you work for a state agency and your mom ran the central office data processing at the time.

She had spies for every program coming down and reporting back, not the least of which was the #2 guy in the division who made trips regularly to supervise the office managers.

Listen up now - I did this to my own mother to get even.

I called her and filled in what had happened lately and every time I tried to tell her something she'd interrupt with: "Oh, Bill L. was down last week and he told me."; "Oh, Sharon came by a couple weeks back and filled me in."; "Phyllis from the Fallon office was up and said she'd heard from your boss about you doing that-".
After the fourth or fifth time I told her I guess she must already know about everything so I'd let
her go.

Then I called her ( my mom's ) Big Sister and told her how she apparently thought she was keeping a good eye on me. Then I informed Big Sis I'd been seeing an awful lot of one certain girl ( now my wife ) lately. And that if Big Sis wanted to call and drop the news on Little Sis, feel free to do so...

Two weeks later I called to tell her I'd be up that Saturday ( Valentine's day )to see her. All she said was " will you be coming alone?" "No." Dead silence then "Well, I'll see you then.", click.

Anyway, you want to made something of my nickname after reading that?:D :D :D
OK as the only member of the forum who can see the issue from both sides( French by birth, American by choice) I will bring in my two cents to try to settle this issue.

YVSA: While I know this is dear to your heart, let it go.YOU KNOW that you have support around here. No one is challenging your integrity. No one is judging you and every friend in the cantina is supporting you. You have to also see Uncle Bill's side...and culture. As a Budhist, Uncle Bill does not believe in conflict (respecfully so). All of us American (me included) know the sick feeling in our stomach that has been lingering since 9-11. The best way to honor those who perished is by making sure that we are doing the job at eradicating Terrorism. For a foreigner, there is always the feeling that this is deserved when it comes to the US because (let's face it)sometimes WE can be arrogant in the conduct of our Foreign policies. Fact is this tragedy is something that can only be understood by someone who saw it happening from this side of the ocean. As a Security professional, I have been called many times to comments on the impact this event has had on American society. This is the first time that a terrorist act from a foreign entity has happened here and this is probably why we are still under shock.

Let's not carry on with Rust and his attitude: we are only giving him more impact on our lives that he will ever deserve. FACT IS AND REMAINS YVSA: YOU HAVE MANY, MANY FRIENDS AROUND HERE and we do know where our loyalty ( and yours lie) [as well as our love for this great country].

I hope you take this posting for what it means: Support, Support and more Support.

Finally regarding Rust ( and how to handle him) here is a piece of French Budhism:

" You don't negotiate with a wheelbarrow...it's meant to be pushed ! " :) :) :) ;)
But I do not see the point to restart a war on a topic that was long buried

Well Sing, it wasn't buried. In fact it was dug up again and again. And Yvsa was just setting the record straight once and for all IMO.

We all let the Rust thing slide the first time he left and some of us couldn't stomach his return and were forced to defend our friends. Ironically, the very reason I flamed Rust is because I was very upset that he was turning the forum into the very kind of place you desribed, a place where you couldn't even post things in fun without having a knife buried in your back.

I used to come here to relax, but lately I've been staying away to do just that, and that's depressing to me. This forum was a very important place for me when times were tough and I still owe Uncle Bill and other friends here a debt of gratitude for that. I need some time off to cool down and think things through. I'm not leaving forever, but I'm getting way to caught up in all this for my own good, so I am going to leave for awhile.
Maui Rob:

Here are the doctor's order to cure anger management issue related to un-civilized form of life:

- Get a couple of beers. Drink them all, each one with a toast to a friend

- Organize another weekend (soon) when this time I can come up to see you in Maine

- Built wood moke-up of un-civilized form of life ====> Use it to test cutting power of your various HI Khuks and gauge the stopping power of Teflon coated 45.

When this is all done...have more beer and make sure you come back to the forum soon!

Repeat step 1-2-3 as many times as necessary

Signed: Doctor (I'LL FIX YOU ANYTIME I'M DRUNK)Pierre :)
That I see things differently than Uncle Bill or Yvsa does not mean I love them any less.

That's the bottom line for me.
It is a home away from home because we made it so. But we also made it an open forum to all from all over the world and there's the rub. I tried to do it the best way I knew how and I guess that isn't good enough. I feel like Maui Rob.