How Best To Go About Getting A Light Chopper?


Gold Member
Oct 14, 2014
I wasn't sure where was best to put this, it is kind of a question for Nathan, and kind of a Want To Buy. I mostly lurk here, so I am not really sure where best to put this question/post. Lorien, if I should just close this and post elsewhere please let me know.

So I have been lusting after a Light Chopper for quite a while. I am an archaeological grad student, but that doesn't pay bills very well, so I clear brush as a side job. I find carrying a machete to be too much most of the time, especially if I am doing other work, but my current belt knife (while quite handy, and not a terrible chopper) is not really a chopper, and I need to chop pretty regularly.

I was thrilled when I saw Nathan and Lorien developing the LC, because it really is a tool that fits my needs. But it was a bit spendy for me at the time. The deal I made with my wife was that when I submitted a paper for publication I would get myself an LC. Well I am close, but still have not submitted (getting feedback from professors can take a while).

However my Gerber machete finally cacked its kicks yesterday, and I need a new chopping tool for work. I have my backup machete, but it is my backup because I don't really like it. And I still really want something that I can carry on my belt without too much hassle.

So I am wondering how long it might be before there is another chance to buy a new LC, or is my best bet to go to the buy and sell thread? I really want one with either unbuffed micarta, or preferably terotuf, and I need a sheath for the knife.

What do you think my next move should be? Do I wait for the stars to align? Is there a sale I might manage to snag one at coming up? Or do I just start haunting the buy/sell thread?
There was a preorder which would have been pretty straight forward.

If you need something quick your best bet is the secondary market, make a post in the relevant sticky thread in this sub.

Good luck.
We're ahead of schedule on the pre-order, they should start shipping in a few weeks. Once those who have paid are served we'll start offering some on Friday sales and we'll bring some to the Atlanta Blade show.
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Lorien, if I should just close this and post elsewhere please let me know.

Nate's the man in the big pants in this forum, although I appreciate you checking in :)

there is a buy and sell thread in this forum, just in case you haven't seen it, and I'm sure that someone here would buy proxy for you if your compu fu isn't very strong
Wow, great news on the Light Chopper pre orders going out shortly. Can't wait to put it in action.
Nate's the man in the big pants in this forum, although I appreciate you checking in :)

there is a buy and sell thread in this forum, just in case you haven't seen it, and I'm sure that someone here would buy proxy for you if your compu fu isn't very strong

Thanks, I may do some haunting of the buy/sell thread, but based on Nathan's post it sounds like I might get my chance to buy a new one before too long... I'll have to think.
The only thing that moves faster than the speed of light are Light Choppers on a Friday afternoon. The sales thread my be your best option. You might see a couple on there when the pre order sales launch. Hope you get one abbydaddy!
Will there be more LC Friday sales?
I believe Nathan has said there will be another LC Sale! Date to be determined! Good luck!!! :thumbsup:
Here is Nathan's quote from the EDC sale yesterday
We were going to try and do Light Choppers for this up coming sale but they're very time consuming and aren't going to be ready for sale until we fill the pre-orders
Sweet, thank you! I may take off work that day. What do they go for from CPK?
I believe Nathan has said there will be another LC Sale! Date to be determined! Good luck!!! :thumbsup:
Here is Nathan's quote from the EDC sale yesterday
We were going to try and do Light Choppers for this up coming sale but they're very time consuming and aren't going to be ready for sale until we fill the pre-orders
^^^ Gino, if I'm around the 'puter I will be happy to proxy for you if you wanted me too. As far as the list prices go, you can find the details, i.e, dimensions, prices, etc; in the closed pre-order thread sticky'd right here. To give you a run down, 340 for micarta handles, 365 for TeroTuf (if offered), additionally $65 for the Tek-Loc sheath and $80 for the dangler sheath. You will be charged 10 for shipping too. In the secondary market, I've seen them going for around 5 Bill$ or 5% more/less thereof either way.
I've decided to stick with trying to get one on the Friday sales, whenever they end up happening. Especially since I haven't published yet.