How do I increase my range with the Ralph Thorn throwing style?

Jun 18, 2011
Hey guys, i've been using the Ralph Thorn no spin style of throwing and it's pretty awesome! But I just CAN'T get past 6 feet of throwing and like the only way I'm able to increase my range is by leaning really really far into my throws and throwing extra hard. Do any of you guys have any tips on how to increase my range? Here's a video of me practicing.
This is probably the question I get asked most often.

The main thing is to keep getting repetitions and it will start to come naturally.

The technical thing is to release the knife a little earlier and put more of a lob on the flight pattern.
I don't think it is no-spin, what you are using right now. It is rather "stay close enough, so the knife wont turn much" style.

And like always - practice is the key to success. First try to get knives stick straight from 6 feet every time, and then move back.
Exactly, i even mentioned this in one of my other videos. A friend gave me a tip for my stance and i'm not practicing at 6 feet.
What accuracy do you get with throwing "from blade" with more twist?
It is the easiest method of throwing. I can stick most knife from the first or second throw.

No-spin style is much more depending on knife. I cant stick not a one so far...
Thats curious Idaho, inside 12 feet i can stick most anything with a point on it thorn style, with a good knife weighted any at all toward the handle and i can go to 30 or forty....But i spend the most time at 12-20 for whats important to me...less than that and i really don't even need to think about it...I would have to disagree
with spinning being easier from my own experience....I threw spinning knives for years,decades actually...From a marked spot on the ground,sure pretty easy out to a couple of spins....After getting Ralphs video i could throw well from all the 'tween distances in 2 days practise, I had my son sticking consistently from 15' no
spin in an hour and a half...once it clicked it just got easier....The use of the wrist,grip and use of forefinger just make throwing anything easier...I feel now i could
put a cell phone between someones eyes with enough velocity to surely slow em' down using the same technique. So i'm wondering did you get Ralphs book or video before you started trying no-spin?

I've seen many people ,including the Great Throwdini talk about only being able to throw no spin at 6 feet or so and i'm really curious as to whether they really
learned Ralphs style or tried what they thought would work....I've been able to get girls that never threw a knife in there life to stick no spin without too much
Please don't think i'm saying anything wrong with anyone that's having a hard time with it, i just want to know for my own knowledge why it's so hard for some,
but relatively easy for me and everyone i've shown[not everyone, some people just ain't cut out to throw a knife or anything else..LOL]....particularly if they are really attempting Thorn style or just trying to throw a knife without spinning it.

Sincerely Gusty