How do you decide on which Spydie for EDC?


Feb 12, 2002
This past Monday, I received a Lil' Temperance (Trailing Point) and I've run into a dilemma that's been bugging me all week. (Please, pardon the pun ;))

I love my full time EDC--Military CE (gift from Allen:D), but the Lil' Temperance is definitely a pit bull of a knife that I'd like to carry. I've NEVER handled a folder with such a SOLID feel to it. Those are some seriously thick G10 slabs!!!

What to do???? Well, I guess that I'll just have to carry both. :cool: :rolleyes: :D

How do you choose your Spydie for EDC??
I always carry the same 2 EDC Spydies; A serrated Police model, and a SS PE Delica...That makes everything easier.
Too many variables come into play to even begin to go into most them here (or any other place for that matter :D). Some of it depends on my mood and/or in what setting I'll be. If its work or church related matters I try to carry something fairly "mild" looking such as my Meerkat, Dragonfly or Navigator. During other times it is usually my SS PE Delica or SS PE Rookie that I recently purchased. I also now have my first high-end Spydie a Peter Herbst PE so I have put it into the rotation for when I want to have a nicer more upscale knife on me. As I buy more knives the choices of what to carry become more difficult to make. The only method certain to alleviate the problem is to quit buying knives and that is not going to happen so I guess I'm stuck. But what a great problem to have, huh?
One way that I sometimes decide on the EDC of the day is pure chance.

I keep all of my Spydies in an old machinist's tool box that I have.
The kind that has a drop front and several drawers.

I close my eyes and open the first drawer that I touch and grab a

No matter the attire I always have my Gunting on me these days.

But as a secondary Spydie..depends on the pants I'm wearing. Have to go with something in FRN if I'm wearing dress pants. Usually it'll be a Native or an Endura.

In jeans it'll be the Police.
I carry my PE Military 99% of the time, it's the basis of my EDC. I then have a rotation of knives that I am fond of. I almost always carry my Matriarch regardless of where I go. I then might add another folder and fixed blade depending on what's going on that day. Lately my carry has been:

Military PE - Front Right Pocket - Always
Temperance PE FB - IWB, Reverse Grip, Right side
Matriarch - Front Left Pocket
Will occasionally add a 4th knife to my Back Right Pocket, knife varies often although always a Spyderco
I try to pick something that supplements my multitool/SAK or other knives. For example, I like to have both serrated and plain edge blades. So, if my multitool/SAK only has plain edge, I might pick my Rescue Jr, Navigator SE, or LadyBug II. If my multitool has a serrated edge blade, then I'll pick whatever makes sense for my activities that day. It takes me about 5 seconds to pick a pair of trousers and a shirt, then about 5 minutes choosing something from the Big Bag O'Spydies.