How Do You Machine G10 Scales?

Dec 12, 2002
I really like the BM705 but it I think that it would be a bit easier to open if it had a groove cut into the G10 handle. This groove would be similar to the groove near the thumbstud on the BM770 series.

Has anybody ever machined G10?
Does it behave well with HSS (High Speed Steel) or carbide tooling. Thanks for any help.

I'm Stuck on Benchmade brand 'cause Benchmades stuck in me. (Sing to the tune of the old Band-Aid jingle.)
Use a respirator. You DO NOT want this stuff in your sinuses and lungs. G-10 is not a material to be taken lightly. It is a woven fiberglass and epoxy resin laminate and in dust form acts as a severe irritant to the lungs.
fiberglass dust+ lungs = mesothilioma or other serious respiratory ailments
Not trying to spook you off this project, just trying to prevent possible problems.;)

All the best,
Mike U.
Thanks, guys. You were correct, the G10 cut very well with HSS tools and I didn't breath the dust.
One thing that I didn't realize was that the G10 handle is thin. The area around the Axis spring was only about 0.020" thick. That's not a lot of meat.
Mission accomplished.
Could you post a pic of your handiwork? I'm sure we'd all like to see! :cool:

(it'd be great if you could show the scale separated from the handle, too-- it's surprising it's that thin!)

You can greatly reduce the dust generated when machining G-10 by spraying it as it is being machined with water. A regular household spray bottle works well.
Originally posted by pud
(it'd be great if you could show the scale separated from the handle, too-- it's surprising it's that thin!)


The G10 is that thin around the axis lock. You can see it if you have an axis lock knife with G10 scales.

I don't have one :( ... but I'm actually considering a getting a 705 with the intention of modding the scales. So, I just wanted to see how that might come out.
